As reported by OPORA observers, and told by Olga Aivazovska, Chairperson of OPORA, during the press briefing of "Intermediaconsulting" today: 

Before the Election Day an American citizen Yuriy Veprynsky, who is temporarily and legally residing in Ukraine, received an invitation with his name for voting in the polling station # 8 of the election district 223 (Shevchenkivsky District in Kyiv City). On the Election Day early in the morning this American gentleman, who has also become an international observer, took this invitation and arrived at the polling station to report on this violation. According to the law, only citizens of Ukraine can vote.

The chairman of the precinct election commission agreed with the American citizen that the law had been violated and a mistake had taken place, and promised to investigate the issue. The American citizen NEVER voted in this polling station.

The journalist from "Ukrainsky Novyny" press agency made a reporting error and acknowledged it. He mistakenly reported that this American gentleman had voted.  Upon review of OPORA comments on the recorded tape, the journalist acknowledged his error.

The whole story raises concerns about the integrity and accuracy of Ukraine`s voter registration lists.

To avoid further distribution of any misleading information, Olga Aivazovska, the Chairman of Civil Network OPORA, stands by her previous statement that:

  • The additions to the voting list without an adequate check of citizenship, identification and residency are a problem in some areas.
  • The unequal standard of local PECs to add voter`s names to prior to and on Election Day means that some voters are disenfranchised and others included without a consistent standard across the country. This creates a negative public perception and raises concerns among citizens of real or perceived voter fraud.
  • The American citizen acted appropriately by taking the invitation and going to the polling station to report about the violation.
  • The public voter registry agencies violated the Election Law by registering this American to vote without first asking for identity documents.

Therefore Olga Aivazovska appeals to the "Ukrainsky Novyny" press agency to respect the readers and place a denial statement on their official web site, as well as to print a real story.