An OPORA short-term observer recorded an incident of repeat voting at the polling station in Mostyska City. A citizen voted first time, and afterwards he came up to a commission member who gave him another ballot. With this new ballot he voted the second time and disappeared in an unknown direction. The identity of the voter has been not been determined. Both official observers and precinct commission members failed to respond appropriately to this situation.

The OPORA short-term observer recorded this violation. The offense was promptly reported to the Security Service of Ukraine. Around 18:00 officers of the Security Service of Ukraine arrived at the given polling station to investigate the circumstances of the case. At 19:00 officers of the Security Service of Ukraine were requested to leave the polling station, as they are not officially registered as public observers.

We remind that OPORA short-term observers do not have a right to interfere in the electoral process; they just watch the process and record violations.



Vasylyna Duman - 063 628 68 66