Observers of the Civil Network OPORA, who observe at 1,003 polling stations across Ukraine, report:

Only 69 % of the polling stations opened on time at 8am (Clause 10 of the Article 75 of the Law of Ukraine on Election of the President of Ukraine), 30% of the polling stations opened 15-20 minutes late, and 1% of the polling stations opened later that 8.30am.

The reason for late opening is absence of the quorum during the morning meeting of precinct election commissions. Civil Network OPORA reports there was no quorum at 7% of the polling stations.  Somehow disorganized was the state of affairs in the city of Rivne, where voter invitations said that the polling stations would open at 9am.

As of 11.30 am, two polling stations in Kyivska oblast (PEC #106 and #95 of Election District 91) did not open.  In Ternopil, the polling stations #142, 144, 145 of Election District 168 opened with 2,5 hour delay, where the commissioners mistakenly deleted candidate Oleksandr Pabat from the Presidential Candidates list.

According to the Civil Network OPORA, only 2% of 1,003 polling stations, where OPORA observes, were provided with documentation required for the Election Day conduct. Besides, 2% of the polling stations did not follow the procedures stipulated in the law during its first meeting. Additionally, OPORA observers recorded there were unsealed ballot boxes at 1% of the polling stations.


Note: On Election Day OPORA is conducting a statistical quick count.  Statistical quick counts are projections based on actual voting results from a random sample of polling stations around Ukraine.  OPORA will have 1,003 polling places covered by monitors who will phone or text turnout, results and violations to a central database and phone centre.  The results of the quick count will be announced on January 18, at 9.30am in the INTERFAX Informational Agency (8/5a Reitarska St.)  

Contact person: Iryna Shvets (063 628 68 40)