The first meeting of National Council on the establishment and operation of condominiums, created by the Government on 14 March this year as a temporary advisory body of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, took place in late April. The membership of the National Council includes representatives of local executive bodies, local governments, NGOs, and the Civil Network OPORA in particular, Condominiums, trade unions and employer associations.

The National Council approved on the meeting the plan of further work, and discussed propositions on improvement of regulatory framework for the establishment and functioning of condominiums. There were also formed three appropriate working groups, aimed at the preparation of generalized propositions for adjustment of the legal framework for solving condominium issues such as:

  • the problem of maintenance and service of internal-building gas systems,
  • maintenance and overhaul of lifts,
  • the issue of tariffs and housing subsidies for Condominiums members,
  • receiving information about apartment owners in the building for the association etc.

According to the first deputy Minister Alexander Alipov, solution of certain contradictions between associations and state administrations and natural monopolists is possible only providing the systematic approach. So let's hope that representatives of the public and the power will gain mutual understanding, and the National Council will really become an instrument for achieving the goal - approval of the bill No.8474, and not another PR-project of the Ministry of Regional development.

Detailed information:
Tetiana Boiko
leader of housing programs of the CN OPORA