On 16 July, at about 8:00 p.m., representatives of Hennadii Korban have blocked and encircled a Toyota Camry (registration number АА 7111 ОМ) near an ‘Eko-market’ supermarket located at Rosokovskoho St.

They motivated in by affirming that representatives of MP candidate Serhii Berezniak were carrying in the car social agreements (concluded between the candidate and citizens of Chernihiv), money for payments under these agreements and lists of citizens to receive this money. 


Korban Avto

The persons in the car refused to get out of it and closed the doors.

In a short period of time, headquarters representatives of both candidates, mass media, law-enforcement, and other candidates (200 persons in average) have arrived and encircled the car too, crowding and hustling from time to time. 


Corban cher

Korban chernigiv

Representatives of Hennadii Korban were demanding to open the car, and representatives of Serhii Beresenko were resisting them, reciting: „Korban – go away!“. According to some witnesses, people in the closed car were destroying (tearing up) papers.

Besides that, Criminal Laboratory of the MIAU and Gas Emergency Service have arrived, as long as Hennadii Korban reported on the beginning of incident that there were weapons and explosives in the car. There were also other MP candidates noticed, particularly Andrii Hlaba (self-nominated candidate), Dmytro Blaush (ex-nominee of the Radical Party of Oleh Liashko, withdrawn on 7/14/2015).

Korban kreminalisty

At around 11:45 p.m., sound amplifier was mounted, so that everyone could hear Ukrainian anthem and speeches of local politicians (Volodymyr Polishchuk was one of them). 

IMG 2084

Some time later, Head of Chernihiv Oblast Council Mykola Zvieriev has arrived, who also runs in district #205; local activists placed tables loaded with food and beverages.

As of 1:00 a.m. on 17 July, the crowd was still growing (mostly because athletic-looking young men continued arriving).

A half-hour later, representatives of law-enforcement took people in the blocked car to a police department. Hennadii Korban and representatives of his headquarters were staying near the car, explaining that material evidence must be preserved.

On 17 July at 2:00 a.m., a crowd of people were still standing on the spot, comprising MP candidates, representatives of their headquarters, journalists, and civic activists.

At 2:30 a.m., police sealed off the car and encircled it. A circle of athletic-looking young men encircled the police. No use-of-force incidents. Korban has left. The incident to be continued in the morning, after the court approves inspection of the car. We continue observing.