With the help of young developers Denys Reznik and Kateryna Pelypenko, Civil Network OPORA has implemented a project, which was planned for a long time, and made the electoral monitoring easy and available. Now, every owner of a smartphone, tablet, smartbook or netbook on Android will have a user-friendly instrument of a qualified observer and active voter. All they need is to download a mobile application.

Mobile application "Elections - manual for observers" has a number of documents, necessary for every official observer, active voter, or member of election commission:

Law on the Election of the President of Ukraine;

General instructions for observers;

Sample complaints and claims against unlawful actions and inaction of the corresponding bodies, as well as administrative and criminal violations.

The same mobile application for owners of Apple devices on iOS is going to be developed soon.

Download the mobile application "Elections - manual for observers":

on site or through the online market of applications Android Play Store.

OPORA is grateful to Denis Reznik and Kateryna Pelypenko for their efforts and that they gave thousands of observers and active voters the chance to have such an instrument for the protection of fair and democratic elections.






Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action. Since March, OPORA conducts a wide observation campaign during snap Presidential election, interim Parliamentary elections (district #83), and special local elections. The organization cooperates with 175 long-term observers, who are watching the course of election campaign in all Ukrainian regions. On the Election Day on May 25, 3,000 activists will join them to conduct the parallel vote tabulation, based on statistical sample.