On 13 May 2014 at 11am in the Chasopys Creative Space in Kyiv, located on 3 L. Tolstoho St., Civil Network OPORA and Committee of Voters of Ukraine will present the awareness campaign for special elections of the President of Ukraine, scheduled for 25 May 2014.

The following issues will be discussed during the event:

  • how to learn about your voting rights and electoral procedures
  • how to learn about the rights protection mechanisms
  • how to participate in the voting process as a member of election commission of observer
  • online training system for members of election commissions "Vyborchkom"  http://www.vyborkom.org/
  • hotline, website "Elections in Ukraine"  http://electioninfo.org.ua/, awareness rising webinars for the voters and other valuable resources

Representatives of non-governmental organizations and mass media, informal associations, civic activists, and voters are invited to participate in the event.

Please, register in advance to attend the event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14e24voC0as6ziZ0oiKG2Em6Ex1vw0mRqypeF-ODUIuU/viewform

Olha Aivazovska, Electoral and Parliamentary Programs Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA
Andrii Lynnyk, Electoral Programs Manager of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine
Date of the event: 13 May 2014
Location of the event: Chasopys Creative Space in Kyiv, 3 L. Tolstoho St.
Beginning: at 11am
Contact information:
Ruslana Velychko

The awareness campaign is conducted within the Project "Building capacity in electoral trainings and raising voter awareness", implemented by the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine, supported by the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.