Former Head of Kharkiv Oblast State Administration Mykhailo DObkin has received support of 315 delegates on the Party of Regions' congress. Deputy Head of the Party, Serhii Tihipko, has received 35 votes, former vice Prime Minister Yurii Boiko – 15, and pro-Russian candidate Oleh Tsariov - only 1 vote.

The Party of Regions didn't conduct primaries. The congress itself was delayed three times, and constant complications emerged during its organization. All 4 candidates couldn't wait to start, and have submitted documents as self-nominated candidates. After few hours of discussion concerning candidates for the President of Ukraine on special elections, the party agreed to support M. Dobkin.

Governor of Kharkiv oblast M. Dobkin is convinced that federalization – is the best choice for delegation of authority. According to him the main goal for the party today – is returning the powers to regional authorities, increasing the trust of Crimean citizens, and prohibition on inspection of small and medium business enterprises. However, we would like to remind, that on March 10, the Prosecutor General’s Office has arraigned M. Dobkin on the charge of violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine (Article 110(2) of the CCU). On March 12, the Pechersk District Court in Kyiv has imposed the sentence of home confinement on him. The Court of Appeals has leaved this ruling in force. Nevertheless, he has submitted documents to the CEC to stand as a candidate for the President, and the Party of Regions supports him.

Today, a candidate for the Head of the State affirms: "Why do you think that we were willing to chase those convenient for the government people?" Having received support of R. Akhmetov, Dobkin speaks with an inspiration: "I want you to leave this hall and say, that we are as strong as ever."

You are welcome to watch a photo report on the Party of Regions' congress.

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Children are standing in support of the Party of Regions with the corresponding symbols, and pose for the camera. However, when we ask them who and why have brought them here, they cannot explain.

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Minor Supermen recruited in the Party of Regions.

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"We have gathered, thus, we exist!" – heard on the congress.

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One of the first goals the Party of Regions has – is re-adoption of the Law registered by Kivalov and Kolesnichenko, but in the new wording. The Party of Regions desires to make Russian language the second official.

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Delegates of the congress have decided to exclude the ex-President V. Yanukovych, former first vice Prime Minister S. Arbuzov, Governor of Donetsk oblast A. Shyshatskyi, ex-Minister of Energy and Coal Industry E. Stavytskyi, and ex-Minister of Revenue and Taxation O. Klymenko. The exclusion of the ex-Prime Minister M. Azarov from the party was decided by a separate voting. M. Dobkin told that he saw Mykola Azarov only few times for his lengthy membership in the PR. "Azarov berated me with obscene words. He said, that I must do only what I will be ordered to, as long as they nominated me," - he complained.

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N. Shufrych has proposed to exclude betrayers from the party, those who could stop the bloodshed but didn't. "I came to Viktor Fedorovych and told that "Arbuzovshchyna" will ruin us. But the answer was: "That's enough, Nestor!"... The person, to whom we've given years of our lives, has fled! Today, we must fight for every worthy member of the Party. Today - is the most difficult stage," - Mr. Shufrych said. He has also mentioned that members of the PR will not repeat the old mistakes: "We are not shares, we are members of the party!" The MP has mentioned that founders of the party did everything to prevent bloody events, but "bucks are above all for some people". The issue of safety for those receiving threats was raised many times during the congress.

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The congress was held behind the closed doors. Despite the journalists were accredited for 12:00 PM, they managed to enter the hall only at 4:00 PM, when the voting started.

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Yu. Boiko has called today's congress of the Party of Regions "a sitting of closed joint-stock company".

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The congress was conducted by for Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, V. Rybak.

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"Pro-Russian channels ask me whether I like the new government. Ask Kharkiv citizens the same question!" - M. Dobkin said.

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M. Dobkin angrily ordered MPs Volodymyr Mysyk and Serhii Katsuba to come back to the Party of Regions.

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"Let's unite our supporters! We still have plans proposed by Liovochkin and Firtash..." - M. Dobkin appealed to his co-members of the party, who have nominated themselves.

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S. Tihipko said that he didn't like the congress at all: poor organization and empty talks. He has also stated that all members of the Party of Regions are responsible for V. Yanukovych.

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S. Tihipko was counting on support of simple MPs.

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Oleksandr Vilkul, former Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, expressed his support to M. Dobkin.

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S. Tihipko, Yu. Boiko, and O. Tsariov are not going to grant their votes to M. Dobkin.

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Former Head of Chernivtsi Oblast State Administration M. Papiev about the nomination of M. Dobkin by the Party of Regions: "We should rename the party into LLC - Limited Liability Company. I supported S. Tihipko." His step-son, MP of Ukraine A. Semeniuk, was sitting next to S. Tihipko during the congress.


Tetiana Kyrylenko