In Cherkasy, an unknown woman with lists is sitting in Volkswagen microbus (registration number СА0894АС) next to the polling station #710976 (district #94), located in the Druzhby Narodiv palace of culture. People are constantly walking in and out of the microbus. When observers started recording her on video, the women wrapped in clothes and hid the lists. Observers called the police. Simultaneously, sportive young men approached and asked "what do you need here?" In the same raion, white Volkswagen is driving around the polling stations.

Unknown persons are answering to OPORA observers that these are the lists for distribution of consumer goods, and there must be no claims to them. The police has drawn up a protocol.

For comment, please contact:
Serhii Varych,
Election Programs Coordinator
Civil Network OPORA in Cherkasy oblast