On 8 September, on chargeable noticeboards on the streets of Mykolayiv, in Central and Zavodskyi districts, leaflets with the following content appeared — "It's time to defend Ukrainian language!", purport to be published of the circulation of 50K copies ordered by I. Farion. The parties UDAR and All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda were indicated as signatories of the leaflets.

In Mykolayiv branch of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, the appearance of leaflets was considered a provocation. On the official website of Mykolayiv branch of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, they posted the official position concerning the situation.

Some person I. Farion turned out to be responsible for the production of leaflets who of course has nothing to do with Iryna Dmytrivna Farion — Docent at Lviv Polytechnic NU, Candidate of Philological Sciences, member of the Political Council of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda.

When looking for the commissioners of these campaign materials, the representatives of Mykolayiv Oblast Organisation of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda were trying to reach the representatives of UDAR Vitalii Klychko Party but all the phones listed on the party's website either didn't answer or people who picked up in every possible way denied their affiliation to the political force mentioned.

Who and why needed to cover the central part of the city with posters attributed to Svoboda remains unknown.

In MOO of the UDAR Vitalii Klychko Party, the leaflets were also taken as a provocation. As the Press Secretary of Mykolayiv Oblast Organisation of UDAR Party Yelizaveta Ryndina informed on the phone, 'this information is not ours, our lawyers are writing a petition to the prosecutor regarding these leaflets.'


For comment, please contact:
Olena Kabashna
Coordinator in Mykolayiv Oblast
097219 00 66, 095 087 17 85, [email protected]

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