On August 17-18 on the official web pages of Kharkiv city council and Kharkiv oblast organization of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland were announced few events that attracted attention of the OPORA observers within the framework of election campaign that takes place in Kharkiv

The announcement on the web page of Kharkiv city council included the invitations to the opening ceremony of the school stadium (with the Mayor and the majoritarian candidate in the voting district #168) and to the two days long subotnik. In the announcement on the web page of Kharkiv oblast organization of Fatherland was an invitation to the two days long teleconference bridge between the representatives of the United opposition from Kharkiv,Donetskand Kyiv.


The school stadium: the idea came from the citizens of rayon, the financial support came from the city budget, the protection - from the city Mayor and majoritarian candidate from the government

In the morning on August 17, near Gymnasium #116 in Dzerzhynskyi rayon of Kharkiv city, took place the opening ceremony of the first out of 10 complex sport grounds, which are reconstructed under the framework of city program School Stadium. During the ceremony was present not only the Mayor of Kharkiv Hennadii Kernes but also the current People's Deputy of Ukraine and single member candidate in the voting district #168 - Valerii Pysarenko.

Valerii Pysarenko did not appear at the ceremony by accident, because before the building works were finished, the builders, wearing the t-shirts with "Valerii Pysarenko. Together we will win " inscription, were constantly reminding everyone about this candidate. Moreover, on the web page of Kharkiv city council there were articles on the building process of this object with his comments.

Everything was done despite the fact that according to the Law on the Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine it is impermissible for the bodies of government to give preference to any particular candidate. According to the Art.74 of the Law on the Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine the involvement of the executive bodies of power and of the local authorities in the election campaign in forbidden. Similar activities include the direct use of administrative resource in favor of one political power. It contradicts the Constitution of Ukraine and the international standards of non-interference of the government in the election process and in the election campaign performed by the political parties and subjects.

The single member candidate came to the celebration not only with the Mayor of Kharkiv. He was also accompanied by the volunteers, wearing the t-shirts with his name. During the opening ceremony, the children, who actively go in for sport, received the balls for football and basketball from the patrons.

All the people, who were coming to the event, received the greeting leaflets from the People's Deputy and special publication of Kharkovskie Izvestia (the official media of the city council) dedicated to the activity of Valerii Pysarenko. The materials were distributed from two tents located next to the entrance to the stadium, which had the symbols "Valerii Pysarenko. Together we will win." Probably, the candidate considers such "near the entrance agitation" absolutely compatible with the same Art. 74 of the Law on the Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine, which does not allow to dispose campaign materials and political advertisements on the buildings and in the state-owned and communal premises, which includes the Gymnasium #161.

Except of the "honorable guests", faculty of Gymnasium #161, activists, and young sportsmen, the celebration was attended by the rayon's social workers (according to the data revealed by the representatives of OPORA).

Citywide subotniks under the flags of the government

On August 14 on the official web page of Kharkiv city council appeared an announcement about the two days long subotnik, which would be held on the eve of the city anniversary day. According to the preliminary information, the event was supposed to be held during the weekend on August 18 and 19. But because of the religious holiday on Sunday it was rescheduled to Friday, August 17. And where the provision of urban amenities is tackled, the single member candidate appears. This is the rule that works in Kharkiv during this election cycle. Thus, the activists of OPORA could not omit the citywide subotnik. 


Either because of the suddenness of the decision to start subotnik on Friday or because of the bad weather conditions, during the first day the representatives of OPORA did not notice the big number of people, which the city council promised to involve in the citywide cleaning.

During the second day, the cleaning was performed not only by the traditional body, consisting of the employees of communal services enterprises, teachers, tutors, and the employees of the health care institutions. As it was announced on the official web page of Kharkiv city council on August 17, the models of one of Kharkiv agencies took part in the events on August 18. Moreover, the mass event organized by the city council was used by the majoritarian candidates for their personal popularization. During the events the candidates, who support the government, engaged the agitators, located the tents, where the agitation materials were distributed during the subotnik.

In Zelenyi Hai (Green Bosk) park, in order to get to subotnik, it was obligatory to put a signature in the list and note your propaganda team. During the event the workers were wearing the t-shirts with the inscriptions "Volodymyr Mysyk" (the candidate from the Party of Regions in the voting district #172). Also, the activists of the Party of Regions were distributing the campaign newspapers on the territory of the park.

Near PK KHEMZ, where the territory was equipped with the necessary facilities by the employees of the communal services enterprise Kharkiv Heating Systems, the representatives of OPORA noticed flags with the symbols of the Party of Regions.

In Manzhos ravine, except of teachers, tutors, and employees of the hospitals, in the beautification also took part the builders, who were wearing the t-shirts with the inscription "Irina Bieriezhnaia. Together we will win!" Near the newspaper Regions' time (Vriemia rehionov), issue 30, which was published on August 9, 2012, was distributed from two blue tents.

The works near the spring, which is situated next to the metro station Akademika Pavlova and metro station Studentska, were also performed in the t-shirts from candidates. According to the comments of the workers, the t-shirts are a present of Dmytro Sviatash (the candidate in the single member constituency #170). On the same territory was parked a VAZ car with the logo "Together we will win. Dmitrii Sviatash."

The biggest number of events took place on Haharin Avenue, which pertains to the voting district #173. In this district Anatolii Denysenko is the candidate from the governing party.

It was he, whose name was written on the t-shirts and flags of electioneers. The newspaper Regions' time (#30) and the leaflets "Anatolii Denysenko. The Deputy of Kharkiv City Council" were distributed from the tents of the Party of Regions that were situated alongside the avenue.

During the conversation with the electioneers, the activists of OPORA found out that in the tents were working the pupils, students of technical schools and employees of the institutions of education. Thus, at the station "School" on Hahrin Avenue, the campaign was performed by the pupils. They say that almost all of them were the volunteers during the Euro-2012 and now they were invited to stand here from 9 am till 1 pm. To the question of the observer from OPORA on reward for their activity, the agitators answered that they were promised to get the honorary diplomas.

The agitators at the station Odesa, which is situated in one stop, were rewarded not by diplomas but by 50 UAH. "We have found out about the possibility to earn some money from the teachers at our technical school," – they told.

So on August 18 the phrase “where the provision of urban amenities is tackled, the single member candidate appears" was proved more than once. According to the calculations made by the observers of OPORA, there were 5 points of agitation.

The oppositional teleconference bridges with the offenses in address of the political opponents

In the evening on August 17 and 18 the civil activists of OPORA were present during the teleconference bridges "Kharkiv-Kyiv-Donetsk", which were organized by opposition. Within the framework of this event, a meeting was held with Anatolii Hrytsenko, who is the current People's Deputy of Ukraine and #3 in the list of the United opposition Fatherland.

Anatolii Hrytsenko made a speech on the plans of opposition in case it gains the majority during the elections in2012. In particular, he was talking about the first law on impeachment of the President that will be approved by the new Parliament, about the free health care, educational and army reforms in the party program. The current Deputy was constantly underlying the inefficiency of the government in power and their dishonest way to achieve the power on all levels.

On August 17 the event took place on the Liberty square, where next to Anatolii Hrytsenko were present the single member candidates from the United opposition Fatherland: the current Deputy of Kharkiv oblast council Ihor Baluta (voting district #168), the former Head of LLC Kharkivshveiprom, the Head of Moscow rayon election office of All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland Lilia Avdieieva (voting district #170), the Head of LLC Ukraina-Hermes and the Head of Kharkiv city organization of the Front of Changes party Kyrylo Khrapko (voting district #171), the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of open joint-stock company Investor, the member of All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland Oleksandr Svitlychnyi (voting district #172).

During the same day Oleksandr Turchynov (#4 in the voting list) joined the teleconference bridge from Kyiv and made a following statement: "October 28 is the Day of liberation of Ukraine from the fascist occupants, so the right choice should be made."


Next day Oleksandr Kirsh was helping Anatolii Hrytsenko to communicate with the electorate near the metro station Pushkinska. Kirsh is a candidate in the single member constituency #169, a consultant on economic issues at LLC Scientific and production enterprise Factor, and a member of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland. Mykola Tomenko (#10 in the voting list) also appeared on line in front of the voters from Kharkiv on August 18.


Monitoring of the mass electioneering events held in Kharkiv during two days showed that the powers of government and opposition did not fully comply with the norms of the Law on the Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine. The former used the administrative resource and abused official position of their representatives. The latter used "strong" contragitation slogans formulated in an offensive way in order to identify their opponents.

Opening of the sport ground, within the framework of city program School Stadium with the support of the Mayor and majoritarian candidate from the government, falls under the Art. 74 of the Law On the Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine that forbids the local authorities to use their powers in order to perform agitation in favor of certain candidates or parties. Also, this norm forbids the use of regional projects and programs for advertising of a certain political power or politician. The presence of agitators in the t-shirts with symbols of a majoritarian candidate at the reconstructed school stadium during its opening ceremony contradicts the Part 4 of the aforementioned Article. This Part forbids disposing agitation materials and political advertising on the territory of state-owned and communal premises.

The use of administrative resource was also present during the citywide subotnik: representatives of the budget institutions (schools, hospitals, communal services enterprises) became a canvas for the agitation in favor of the political power and majoritarian candidates that are supporting the government.

The sharp statements of the leaders of opposition regarding the existence of "fascist" regime inUkrainecan be considered as defamation. In such case the statements made during the teleconference bridge on August 17-18 also fall under the restrictions of agitation activities.

Olena Ukrainets
Press Secretary of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kharkiv oblast 
For comment, please contact:
Viktoria Shevchuk
Election Programs Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA
in Kharkiv oblast
067 177 26 55
066 047 07 72


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience. From a strategic perspective public monitoring of elections focuses upon improving the system and certain procedures. In 2012, during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine OPORA implements a large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, organizes a statistical vote-count by the results of voting with the proportional component of the electoral system on a basis of representative selection, will provide 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate single-mandate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3,500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information on observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.