During the first expert discussion, The Head of Sumy oblast state administration and the Head of Sumy oblast organization of the Party of Regions Yurii Chmyr told about his view on the political situation in Sumy region and his view on the activities of the elected People's Deputies in Sumy region.

About "Sumy clan"

- There is an idea to create a "clan fromSumy". It can be a group in Verkhovna Rada, which will take care only of one thing - lobbying the interests ofSumyoblast and interests of its citizens directly in the Parliament. We should create a team of people, who hold the same views, which would consist of 6 candidates in single member districts, who will win. We will gather all the majoritarian candidates without any exceptions and will offer them to sign an agreement.

And let the best one win. But this winner, according to the signed agreement, will protect the interests of oblast. It is not only about Verkhovna Rada but about budget processes and economic questions. It also includes "economic patriotism" - the interests of our territory will be lobbied far beyond the borders of oblast. And no one doubts that economy is the basis of oblast's development.

About the agreement with majoritarian candidates

- After August 20, we will gather in a hall and offer the draft of an agreement, which will include the clear attributes, the majoritarian candidates should possess in order to lobby the interests in Kyiv. I think we will gather all, who agree, offer the duties, will detail that during the campaign no one will practice vote buying, distribute the grocery kits or use the dirty technologies, but will have equal conditions. After the winner is known, this group of 6 majoritarian candidates will work for the region,

We will sign an agreement with the territory. Some will agree, some will not. But I believe that everyone will agree. Those, who will not agree today, will immediately demonstrate the citizens that he does not want to protect them. Lobby of Sumy oblast's interest in Kyiv has to take place. The deputies, who will take part in it, are of secondary importance. But first of all, the interests of oblast should be defended.

Now I speak as the Head of oblast organization of the Party of Regions and want to prove you that our program includes a statement that the regions should dictate the state policy. The region knows how to use the money it has earned.

About the look-alike of Mykola Petrovych Noha, the candidate from the Party of Regions in voting district #160, - Mykola Oleksandrovych Noha

- Mykola Petrovych Noha is the most influential candidate with the highest ratings. The look-alike appeared in order to draw off the votes. Today I ordered the respective agencies to identify this person. At the moment, we should find out, what made this Mykola Oleksandrovych Noha to run for elections in the district, where the Mayor of Shostka city has very high rating and all chances to win. Mykola Petrovych Noha is the candidate from the Party of Regions, and I do not exclude that all this is an attempt to use the dirty technologies. Although this technology is old, it can work against democracy.

About how the list of majoritarian candidates from the Party of Regions was formed in Sumy region

- As the Head of Sumy oblast organization of the Party of Regions I created a group of those candidates, who would have different spheres of specialization. We have an experienced builder, successful entrepreneur, industrialist, a representative of agrarian business, a representative of local authorities. They will be able to defend different economic sectors in Verkhovna Rada. It will be easier for them to consider all range of questions and make decisions. If this group wins... I do not want to say that only we have such candidates. But we chose them in order to lobby and represent the interests of oblast.

The main battle will be between the majoritarian candidates, who would be able to show that this or that political power can receive the trust of voters in this or that district. Moreover, the number of independent candidates (samovysuvanets) is huge.

About the charitable activity of majoritarian candidates

- We say no to the vote buying and grocery kits distribution. No one distributed the kits and bought the votes, because these are real charges. But if the funds help certain territories in form of playgrounds, some material needs, which are not connected with vote buying. And I think that the more the candidates do this (and everyone does it), the more people will benefit. And territories will benefit as well.

It is right that the funds do this. The fund is charity. If they made the water supply system, gas pipeline, road, children's playground, fixed the roof, built the church, distributed the gifts, which are useful for the community, then let them do it. There will be more playgrounds, more gas pipelines, more fixed roads and drilled wells.

About the activity of the Party of Regions in communal media


- It is our initiative financed by the Party of Regions. We signed agreements with the communal news papers. Every one else can also sign similar agreements, please. They have a column called Social initiatives of the Party of regions. With help of communal media we explain the activity of the Party of Regions. The party has to do something, doesn't it? Thus, we tell what exactly the Party of Regions does for the region and territory. It is not an advertisement but the coverage of party activity. It is a typical agreement. By the way, all oblast newspapers have the columns of Korolevska, the Fatherland and others... Elections are the best time for media.

About the rating of the Party of Regions in different rayons of Sumyoblast

- We have made a research. If to take Sumy(voting districts #157 and voting districts #158 in Bilopollia, Sumyrayon) then the support of the Party of Regions is not the one we would like to have in center. But if to take Seredyna-Buda, Yampil, Konotop, then the Party of Regions has the leading position, being 10% ahead of the United opposition. During the last 2 months we were working to find out the reasons. While the presentation of information and broadcasting of the achievements of government, which is represented by the party of Regions, is equal, the attitude of population differs. The research showed that the mentality of people, who live in the north, center, east and west of the oblast, is very different. Sumy oblast is unique because its voting structure is similar to the structure of the whole Ukraine. The way Sumy oblast votes, will be the way the whole Ukraine votes. If to take Putyvl rayon, where the support of the Party of Regions is more than 40%, in the near Buryn the level of support never exceeded 5%.

Today the support of personalities, which are represented in the territories (including the members of the Party of Regions) is way higher than the support of the Party of Regions itself.

About the possible falsifications in Sumy region

- Do you know how many observers will be present during these elections, including the international ones? 30 observers in each voting districts. You think that with such number of observers it is possible to falsify the elections? I think – no. Moreover, I have never practiced that and will not. I do not know how it is done. Fortunately.

The polling stations will be equipped with the web-cameras, and a big number of observers, including those from the parties, will be present. A dramatic large audience that will watch the preparation of elections and voting itself will be the pledge of democratic process called the Parliamentary Elections 2012.

About the temptation to become a candidate for the people's deputy

- I have never experienced this temptation. You know that we have a developed strategy "New Sumy region 2015", which aims at leading the oblast to the top 5 by2015. A lot of things were made during two years and people see the results. And today I directly promise the citizens to do more by 2015, for people to live in comfortable oblast, which develops dynamically.

About his role in the election process

- There are two objectives. First is to prepare the polling stations, organize the preparation of election process, and provide the technical support of all the processes, in order to exclude all the delays during the Election Day. Second objective is to guarantee the democratic process, create the conditions for the voters in Sumy oblast, which will enable them to exercise their constitutional right. We will prevent all the attempts to violate the election laws. Moreover, we will create the conditions in order not to allow any breakdowns and abuses during the election process.

At the moment I do not interfere into the process as the Head of the party of Regions. The party headquarters is working. I continue my administrative activity, manage the processes, which influence oblast economy and fulfill the strategy of Sumy oblast development.

For comment, please contact:
Oksana Khoruzhenko
Election Programs Coordinator of CN OPORA in Sumy oblast
+38 067 14 20 301 
Iryna Stehnii
Press Secretary of the Civil Network OPORA in Symu oblast
+38 066 305 51 90;

The Civil Network OPORA is a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent nationwide network of public activists. We have teamed up to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizens’ influence on the activities of state and local government in Ukraine.