Topics for discussion:

  • Electoral systems for national and local elections (electoral system, chosen by the President of Ukraine and the activity of President’s working group).
  • Opinions and comments of the Venice commission and OSCE concerning the bill “On Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine”.
  • Principles of election commissions and district formation.
  • Electoral systems that are already practiced in Ukraine.

Live broadcasting of the event you can find in the blog “How do we choose the Verkhovna Rada?”

Stream videos at Ustream

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You are welcome to send your comments and SMS to the number (067) 444 1360!


Polling questions and answers

Polling No.1

Which electoral system gives more possibility for transparent election of regional representatives to the Parliament?

Answers: A1 – mixed election system, А2 – proportional system with open regional lists.

Polling No.2

Should parliamentary parties / factions have preferences when forming district and precinct election commissions?

Answers: B1 – yes, В2 – no.

Polling No.3

When should be formed electoral districts?

Answers: C1 – in advance, C2 – before elections.

Please, pay attention that it is necessary to use only answer codes proposed below, preferred input language is English!