
In Alchevsk city was opened first Resource centre for Condominiums under the management of Housing and communal service of Alchevsk City Executive Committee. On the opening were present: the leader of housing programs of CN OPORA Tetiana Boiko, The Mayor of Alchevsk city Volodymyr Chub, Viktoriia Pohorielova and Dmytro Levytskyi from the Institute of Local Development, program manager of USAID’s Municipal Heating Reform Project Dmytro Yemelianenko, and representatives of resource centers from cities Luhansk, Rubizhne, Rovenky, Brianka and Sverdlovsk. CN OPORA actively provided and will continue providing information and consultation means for the center, conduct educational seminars, trainings for employees, help receiving financial support for current activities etc.

Resource centers for Condominiums are necessary first of all for:

  • To provide everyday consultations for initiative groups and managers of Condominiums
  • To assist in the Condominium creation
  • To organize informational campaigns for citizens on Condominium issues
  • To represent interests of Condominiums to governmental bodies, to participate the elaboration of legislative acts
  • To assist the development and realization of energy efficiency projects in condomniums
  • To facilitate the best practices of energy efficiency projects

The role of local governments in the activity of Resource centers:

  • Free allocation of premises and office equipment
  • Financial support of certain activities within the Condominium development program
  • Attraction of civic experts to the development of the local regulatory framework on Condominiums

The aim of Condominium resource centers:

  • Providing common educational and methodological database
  • Securing common institutional base
  • Developing recommendations for local governments on mechanisms of Condominium support
  • Consulting Resource centers' employees
  • Conducting common public lobbying campaigns
  • Monitoring changes in local policy on Condominiums and its growing dynamics

By the assistance of USAID’s Municipal Heating Reform Project

Detailed information:
Tetiana Boiko,
leader of housing programs of the CN OPORA