After long discussions the community and the politicians came to an agreement – the land on which building is situated (building spot), should be in condominium ownership without any additional actions, and the surrounding area should be in permanent use of a condominium.

Condominiums. Committee chronicles. Part 3

Yesterday, 21 Deceber 2011 on the meeting of VRU Committee on construction, city planning, housing service and regional politics both – representatives of the Ministry of regional development with State Committee on land resources, and the community, came to an agreement on land issue in the bill “On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on Condominiums” (No.8474, second reading). All present members of the committee unanimously voted for the following changes:

  • A land under the apartment building (building spot) within boundaries of house must be included to the common property of co-owners, what means that the owners can exercise a right of joint ownership of property according to the law (amendments to the Article 382 of the Civil Code and the Article 42 of the Land Code).
  • Land of the surrounding area, boundaries of which are determined by the regulation for the distribution of land, should be passed into ownership or permanent use of Condominiums (Articles 42, 89 of the Land code).

It was also decided to approve the bill and submit it for consideration to the Verkhovna Rada as soon as possible.

So lets keep our fingers crossed for the bill “On making amendments to some laws of Ukraine on Condominiums” with regulations for which hardly fought public activists.

Detailed information:
Tetiana Boiko
leader of housing programs of the CN OPORA