The first section of Forum was dedicated to the discussion on theme “Power for condominiums”. Lviv Mayor A.Sadovyi stated, that “Lviv is very active in the establishment of condominiums, and has at present 430 of them”. “We will continue this work. Every year we allocate funds in city budget to support condominiums, and I’m talking about millions UAH. We financially support condominiums in repairs and engineering. Besides that, it’s about three years since we completely refused to finance our housing offices”, - stated city mayor. Moreover, A.Sadovyi is convinced, that our state has no future as long as citizens don’t want to organize themselves, if there will be no self-organization and self-discipline. City mayor gave an example of passivity and inactivity of house dwellers who on his question - when all inhabitants of building gathered last time? - answered that never, and don’t even understand why they should do this. “So what kind of state can we talk about? Where is public consciousness? Where is responsibility of citizens? Until we, every building in our cities and towns, set up condominium, until we create powerful society, what kind of expectations we can lay on government, on president", - wonders official. At the same time Lviv mayor stressed that the public and the power must learn how to work together.

T.Boiko, leader of housing programs of the Civil Network OPORA, R.Furman, manager of the Resource center for condominiums of Vinnytsia city council, H.Kohut, head of the Condominium maintenance department of Lviv city council, S.Klymko, head of the Association of condominiums "Oberig" – were speakers of the second section of Forum which dealt with some aspects of condominium activities. In particular, T.Boiko, leader of housing programs of the Civil Network OPORA, in her report “Local government and condominiums: possibilities for cooperation” stressed: “Condominium movement prosper in the cities where public understanding of the role of condominiums and local governments support (in organization, information and financing) have place. Although, despite public declarations of support, budget costs are allocated only for buildings named as "communal property" by unclear criteria, and condominiums have to approve "tariffs", leaving them alone with monopolists. It’s obvious that people don’t want to organize by themselves in such conditions”.

Regarding financial innovations for condominiums, this matter was mentioned in reports of Hzh. Haida, leader of the project “Energy efficiency in the residential sector”, International finantial corporation, I.Pavlishevskyi, Director of SC AXA Insurance, A.Anufriev, director of the Leasing company "Universal", A.Pasichnyk, Director of the Lviv regional directorate of IC "Guarantee".

Pictures of the event.

Detailed information:
Leader of housing programs of the CN “OPORA”
+38 063 617 97 60