Today, on July, 5 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the draft law about the changes in some legislative acts of Ukraine about the condominiums. 268 deputies voted for the project.

The draft law (# 8474) offers to make changes to the Land Code, Civil Code and the laws “About the condominium” and “About housing and public utility services” aimed at the improvement of the order of creating and functioning of the condominiums.

The project presupposes the terminological coordination of the Law “About the Condominiums” with the civil legislation: to change the term “common and impartible property” to “common property”, the term “residential complex” change for the “apartments house”, the term “managing the balance” to the term “keeping the house”. It is also offered to specify the terms concerning the transfer of the land property to the ownership (the property under the house) and the sustained use (building surrounding grounds) and to define the list of persons to whom the land will be transferred; to define in the Law “About Housing and Public Utility Services” the term “collective user of housing and public utility services”.

It is also supposed to reconcile the issues of self-providing with the help of joining the needs of keeping and exploiting the house, and the relations with producers and executors of the housing and public utility services.

According to the project, the condominiums pay for cold and hot water, heat and electric energy, natural gas, communal services and housekeeping services using the rates estimated for public.

In addition to this, the privileges and subsidies are applied to the payments of the joint owners that are paid in the condominium.

The project also presupposes that the property bought for the costs of joint owners is their joint property and not the property of the condominium as a legal entity, that will allow to keep the facility in the common use of the joint owners during repairing/exchange.

It is proposed to define the way of voting on the joint meetings (now it is defined only by the typical statute, approved by the order of Ministry of Housing and Public Utility Services) and define the order of the written poll in case the joint meeting didn’t take place because of quorum absence.