On 7 February at 4:00 PM, in the Hotel Kyiv (Triumphal hall) at the address 26/1 Hrushevskoho St., Civil Network OPORA holds a public discussion “New Quality of the CEC”, dedicated to the discussion of new CEC candidates.

The discussion is goaled to draw attention of the public, state authorities and MP of Ukraine to the need of electing a new membership of the CEC and guaranteeing open presentation of candidates.

During the event, potential members of the CEC will be able to present the top priority directions for reforming of the CEC and improvement of the mechanisms for holding elections in Ukraine. At the same time, parliamentary factions and groups of MPs will be able to assess each candidate and take a well-weighed decision concerning the support of new CEC membership.

We invite candidates for members of the CEC, MPs representing each faction and group without exception, journalists, representatives of NGOs and diplomatic missions in Ukraine.

As it is already known, 13 of 15 members of the CEC are still working despite their term of office has expired. The public and international partners have repeatedly emphasized that it's necessary to appoint new members of the CEC, representing each parliamentary faction and group, who will provide a high-quality election administration in Ukraine and prevent any manipulations. On 23 January, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the submission on appointment of Central Election Commission members. The list of candidates, published on the official website of the President comprises 14 candidates.

Please, fill in the registration form for participation.

Journalist registration is conducted on-the-spot by press accreditations.

For further information, please contact:

Yurii Khorunzhyi, 0636160481