We are happy to announce that the Personal Democracy Forum Ukraine will be held in "National Sports Complex "Olimpiyskiy" (55 Velyka Vasylkivska St., city of Kyiv)  on 25-26 September 2017, organized by the Civil Network OPORA, TransparenCEE, TechSoup, and ePaństwo Foundation in cooperation with the OSCE/ODIHR and UNDP, supported by the USAID Ukraine.

Register here to participate. We have a limited number of travel grants for Ukrainian participants from outside of Kyiv.

The topic:

The Civic Side of TECHnocracy

PDF is an annual conference taking place in multiple cities worldwide that brings together top technologists, campaigners, government officials, journalists, and academics for two days of game-changing talks, workshops, and networking opportunities on civic tech challenges.

Following previous year's positive experience, PDF will be organized in Ukraine for the second time on 25-26 September, 2017. This time we are going to focus both on the positive tendencies and possible risks that can be brought by technology. “How to use technology for human-oriented solutions without creating new risks?” will be an overarching question we will try to answer.

We share hopes that technology will bring more democracy, cooperation and inclusiveness. But we are also aware of dangers and disappointments which can materialize with active use of technologies.  Technology is not only characterized by its positive or negative impact. It is also followed by new social and political challenges with no clear responses. As civic activists we cannot ignore these developments. We feel responsibility to look for solutions and form recommendations to overcome these challenges.

We expect around 200 participants from all over Ukraine, international guests, speakers and organizers of seminars, who will discuss the search of balance between offline and online activism, as well as demand for human-oriented development of civic technologies. We will discuss the transparency, confidentiality, hazard that technophilia brings onto democracy, stable cooperation of civil society and IT community. Finally, we will discuss how open data on public services will influence the cooperation of cities and citizens.

Detailed information and registration: pdfukraine.org

The program: https://pdfukraine.org/uk/програма/

Join the event on Facebook.

Official hashtag: #PDFUA17.