21 of December 2015, 15:00-18:00

Radisson Hotel (22 Yaroslaviv Val, Kyiv)

Foreign experts, NGO representatives and speakers will discuss the gaps in Ukrainian legislation based on the example of the latest campaign, as well as problems in organization and conduct of the voting in regular elections. Besides that, participants will propose recommendations for solution of such problems with international practices taken as an example.

15:00 – 15.30 Registration
15.30 – 16.15

How to guarantee  constitutional rights of voters in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts

  • Steffen Halling’s presentation (Germany) – Local Elections 2015 in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts
  • OLha Aivazovska, Civil Network OPORA
  • Roman Kyslenko, Donetsk office of CVU
16.15 - 16.40 Coffee break
16.40 – 17.20

Regulation of IDPs’ voting rights

  • Elene Nizharadze’s presentation (Georgia) - The Right of IDPs to Vote:International Practice, Options for Ukraine and Recommendations
  • Oleksandr Kliuzhev, Civil Network OPORA
  • Nataliya Veselova, MP
  • Tetiana Durnieva, Donetsk office of CVU
  • Viktoriya Savchuk, Crimea-SOS
  • Suleiman Mamutov, “Right for defense”
17.20 – 18.00

Politically motivated observation

  • Anton Shekhovtsov’s presentation (UK) - Politically motivated international observation at local elections 2015 in Ukraine
  • Olha Aivazovska, Civil Network OPORA
  • Elyzaveta Rehtman, Donetsk office of CVU
  • Nataliya Lynnyk, CVU
  • Veronika Kruhlashova, CHESNO movement

Mandatory registration is open until 10:00 AM of 21 December.

The selected participants will receive confirmation from the organizers.

Date: 21 December 2015.

Time: 3:00 PM-6:00 PM.

Place: Kyiv, 22 Yaroslaviv Val St., (Radisson hotel).

The event is organized with assistance of the European Platform for Democratic Elections.

(#вибори2015; #elect_ua; #opora; #опора)