On the eve of the second round of mayoral election: preliminary observation summary by OPORA

On 13 October at 11:30 a.m., Civil Network OPORA holds a press conference dedicated to the second round of mayoral election. The event will be held in the UNIAN Information Agency (4 Khreshatyk St., Kyiv).

- In which cities was the election campaign the most active and contentious?

- Were there violations which may influence the election outcomes, and are there precedents of the certainty of punishment for electoral rights violations?

- What is the situation with preparations to the voting in Krasnoarmiisk and Mariupol on 29 November?

These and other aspects of local elections on the eve of the second round are covered by:

- Olha Aivazovska, Electoral and Parliamentary Programs Coordinator at the Civil Network OPORA;

- Oleksandr KLIUZHEV, Analyst at the Civil Network OPORA.

Journalist registration is conducted on-the-spot by press accreditations.

Reference: 096-194-86-69.

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Civil Network OPORA conducts citizen observation of local elections in Ukraine, scheduled for 25 October 2015. Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action. 144 long-term observers were deployed to all Ukrainian regions on 5 September, and 3000 short-term observers will join them on the election day. Follow the latest news on OPORA's website and Map of Violations “2015 Local Elections”. We recommend that every observer, journalist and active citizen download application “Local Elections” for Android.