The voting is being held in a regular mode, without significant abuses or planned wide-scale violations which can influence election results. Despite the number of detected violations (according to statistics) is low, tendencies that appeared in first voting hours are still there as of 4:00 PM. 

The most widespread violation detected by observers of the Civil Network OPORA is an attempt to issue a ballot paper without passport verification – detected at 4.6% of polling stations throughout Ukraine. However, the situation is a bit worse in the certain cities. For example, similar violations were detected at 7.2% polling stations in Dnipropetrovsk, 6.2% polling stations in Odesa and 3.2% in Kharkiv. In most cases such incidents were legally resolved thanks to response of observers – the voters were refused to vote. However, the percentage of such violations at a nationwide scale has decreased from 14.3% to 4.6% in comparison to the first half of the day.

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Violation of the voting secrecy was reported at 2.6% as of 4:00 PM, while at 12:00 PM this percentage was 4.3%. The voters were detected taking pictures of their ballots only at 0.4% of polling stations in Ukraine. However, in Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk, such violations occurred at 6.4% of polling stations. It should be mentioned that deliberate violation of the voting secrecy, when choice of a voter is intentionally disclosed, shall be punished with a fine or corrective labor for up to two years, or restriction of liberty for up to three years.

Besides that, observers detected only some cases (at 0.4% polling stations) when the voters were deprived of an opportunity to vote. The rest of violations reported by observers as of 4:00 PM were solitary and can't have considerable influence on election results.