If want to know which electoral violations have committed candidates and other electoral subjects. If you have noticed and recorded a violation but don't know what to do next. We invite you to use OPORA's Map of Violations “2015 Local Elections” and contribute to fair election process.

OPORA's Map of Violations “2015 Local Elections”gives opportunity not only to read about the elections, but also to watch the process and understand the structure. It will be useful not only to journalists, voters and citizen activists, but also to electoral subjects and government bodies. OPORA sincerely strives to provide reliable and valuable information on 2015 local elections. We are working on improvement of this resource and daily update the information about violations.

Information about VIOLATIONS reported by ОPORA's observers will be highly interesting for involved citizens and journalists. It will be attached to the Map of Violations in text with video or photographic evidences. If you witnessed any violation, and are ready to openly report it, than you can fill in the form REPORT THE VIOLATION and share any important information. However, according to the universal principles of observation, OPORA will add it to the Map only after throughout verification.

We would like to remind that OPORA has prepared various unique instruments which will help you to follow the election campaign and make a conscious choice.

- OPORA's Map of Violations “2015 Local Elections”;

- Application “Local Elections” for Android;

- Social video ad “How ballots for 25 October elections look like;

- Service “Previous party affiliation of candidates: place of nomination and nominating entity in 2010 local elections”;

- Service “Search for a TEC/DEC member: party affiliation and conflicts (1998-2015)”.

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Civil Network OPORA conducts citizen observation of local elections in Ukraine, scheduled for 25 October 2015. Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action. 144 long-term observers were deployed to all Ukrainian regions on 5 September, and 3000 short-term observers will join them on the election day. Follow the latest news on OPORA's website andMap of Violations “2015 Local Elections”. We recommend that every conscientious observer, journalist and active citizen downloads application “Local Elections” for Android