The secret became apparent today: delegates elected Vitalii Klychko as the Head of Petro Poroshenko Block 'Solidarity' party, and 18 more members of Klychko team joined the presidential party. Petro Poroshenko has visited the congress to welcome such union on the eve of local elections. However, the name of united party, how regional offices are going to unite and other UDAR members are going to join the presidential party, as well as the future of UDAR party in politics is still unknown. The way People's Front is going to join the lists of united political party is also unknown.

It's almost 10:45 AM, and the congress hall is almost empty... Delegates look for empty places, drink coffee and meet acquaintances in the lobby of the Olympic NSC. In this very hall UDAR and Petro Poroshenko Block announced their cooperation in 2014 parliamentary elections. The beginning is planned for 11:00 AM.

Sitting at presidium table one can see three huge white-and-red banners: Petro Poroshenko Block 'Solidarity', UDAR party of Vitalii Klychko, and PPB-styled banner saying "United" in the middle. However, we haven't noticed any orange-and-blue symbols of the People's Frond neither in the lobby nor in the hall. Thus, Arsenii Yatseniuk's party is apparently not taking part in this uniting congress. Yurii Lutsenko said in the lobby that merging with the People's Front is on the most complicated stage now – active negotiations.

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Meanwhile, almost every seat was filled in the hall, and we noticed many MPs among the event participants including Vitalii Klychko, members of the UDAR, and some foreign guests. Will the President Petro Poroshenko come to the event? Nobody could say for sure, but metal detector frames and intensified safety measures implied that he was going to arrive. And he did arrive, but we'll come back to this later.

Thus, after fifteen minute delay, party leader and Chairman Yurii Lutsenko opened the 2nd stage of XII early congress of the PPB 'Solidarity' party. Delegates sang the anthem and observed a minute of silence in memory of perished Ukrainian warriors. During the next thirty-minute break delegates were exchanging temporary certificates for permanent mandates of congress participants. As it turned out, 63 of 68 delegates have registered, what was enough for decision-making.

After the break, everything about the political merging became clear: PPB 'Solidarity" received 19 applications from Ukrainian citizens for acquisition of party membership, including Vitalii Klychko.

The Delegates have unanimously voted for new members joining the party, and invited Vitalii Klychko, Oksana Yurynets and Hanna Starostenko to join the presidium.

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Yurii Lutsenko has stated in his speech that such union of rightwing political parties will help to defeat the enemies standing on the way to successful Ukraine: Russian imperialism, oligarchs, corruption, populism and discord. "We unite because we have a single goal. We will work in a trusted team to reach this goal. We unite to fulfill the promises we gave to voters", - stated the politician. Lutsenko thinks that merging of PPB 'Solidarity' and UDAR is a significant step toward this goal.

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Vitalii Klychko spoke next. “We showed the example of a union and won”, - said politician recalling cooperation of UDAR in 2014 presidential and parliamentary elections. “Today, we create a united political party which understands its responsibility for its country. For efficient reforms, real changes and future prospect of our country. We make a very responsible step today. We know that former forces can use this election to play a return match. Maidan fought against these former forces which shot Ukrainian patriots. We mustn't make past mistakes again”, – stated Vitalii Klychko.

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Delegates have symbolically withdrawn Lutsenko as he insisted and elected Vitalii Klychko the party leader. The absolute majority of 56 delegates have supported this decision. Congress participants have later appointed a new Central Council of the party with Klychko and former UDAR members who are now members of the PPB 'Solidarity'.

Arrival of the President Poroshenko became a culmination of the congress. The President spoke most of the time about Russian aggression, strengthened Ukrainian army, judicial reform, decentralization, and anticipated adoption of constitutional amendments proposed by the President. Besides that, Poroshenko recalled the anniversary of Ilovaisk tragedy and called to observe a minute of silence in memory of perished Ukrainian heroes.

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Poroshenko hasn't forgotten about dedication of the congress too: “I'm happy that Solidarity and UDAR parties have agreed to unite. I'm absolutely sure that this process will continue.”

“Ukraine has broken European records with 235 parties. Does it need such a number? I'm absolutely convinced that a lot of political parties have almost equal programs and exist only because of their ambitious leaders. We should not follow the proverb “two Ukrainians three leaders...” I'm convinced that united party PPB 'Solidarity' and UDAR will soon enter the European People's Party. I know that we deserve to represent Ukraine in this association of European democratic forces”.

It's important that Petro Poroshenko mentioned the problem of voter bribery and called all the participants to work on law amendments to prevent it and strengthen responsibility for the use of such technologies: “Marshal Buckwheat” must never participate in Ukrainian elections again! – emphasized the President.

However, congress participants didn't manage to agree on the name of merged party and decided to postpone this decision to the next meeting. Having decided on some technical issues like a new statute and party program, the Chairman Yurii Lutsenko closed the congress and a newly-elected party leader Vitalii Klychko invited members of the Central Council to a discussion off-the-record. Delegates started leaving the hall after the anthem despite there was many open questions concerning the merger of PPB 'Solidarity' and UDAR.

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Vasyl Babych, Civil Network OPORA