Civil Network OPORA announces competition for 26 positions of Regional Press-Secretaries in all Ukrainian oblasts (besides temporarily occupied territory of the AR Crimea and Sevastopol city) and two in Kyiv for local elections.

Qualification requirements:

  • Experience in writing information messages and press-releases;
  • Perfect command of written Ukrainian, editing skills;
  • Interested in social and political processes in Ukraine, as well as electoral processes;
  • Organizational skills (organization of press conferences, roundtables and conferences);
  • Experience in making informational/photo/video publications on websites and their promotion through social media;
  • Professional use of Word (text formatting, creating diagrams) and Excel (data processing and using calculation formulas);
  • Previous engagement in election process, knowledge of electoral legislation (as a bonus);
  • Willingness to provide the people with important information and be in the heart of events;
  • Be able to stick to strict deadlines, pay attention to details;
  • Political impartiality;
  • Honest, responsible, stress-resistant;

We prefer to hire individuals who have some working experience as PR manager or journalist and is ready to have irregular working hours (if necessary). We are not going to hire individuals participating in other monitoring campaigns and/or working as campaigners or in headquarters of political parties and candidates.

Civil Network OPORA is looking for candidates who will work in each of 24 oblasts (Vinnytsya, Volyn, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhytomvr, Zakarpattia, Zaporizhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kirovohrad, Luhansk, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Temopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy. Chemivtsi, Chernihiv oblasts) and Kyiv city (2 vacancies).

This 2,5 months job starts approximately from the beginning of September (for the period of local elections). You will have intensive working days, opportunity to communicate with interesting people, to join a dynamic team and contribute to establishment of democracy in Ukraine. Press-secretaries are going to have intensive training course in Kyiv.

Application contains 2 mandatory parts:

1) Filled-in inquiry (;

2) Sending CV (under 2 pages, only the respective experience) to [email protected] with a topic: CV_Press-secretary.

OPORA will contact only selected candidates. If inquiry is not filled-in, CV is not sent separately, or the topic of letter is another than specified, your application will not be considered.

We receive applications till 23 August 2015 inclusive.

For further information, please contact: Phone: 044 286 26 70; email: [email protected]