On 26 July 2015, at 11:30 a.m., in the UNIAN Information Agency (Kyiv, 4 Khreshatyk St.), a press-conference titled "Record breakers and outsiders in the Parliament:  summarizing two sessions" will be held by the Civil Network OPORA.

Who are the most active lawmakers and factions, and who are "idlers" in the Parliament? National security and defense, finances, education or culture: which topics receive the most attention of lawmakers? Coalition or situational majority: which factions vote jointly and which only imitate their adherence to the coalition or the opposition? Exclusive data on 36 districts in 12 oblasts: have majoritarian MPs passed the test on transparency and accountability? These and other summaries of two sessions in the Ukrainian Parliament are going to be covered by:

  • Olha AIVAZOVSKA, Electoral and Parliamentary Programs Coordinator at the Civil Network OPORA;
  • Olena RYBII, the RADA Project Director at OPORA;
  • Oleksandr KLIUZHEV, Analyst at the Civil Network OPORA.

Language of the event: Ukrainian.

Journalist registration is conducted on-the-spot by press accreditations.

Contact person: Vasyl Babych, 096 194 86 69, [email protected]

The event is organized by the Civil Network OPORA under USAID's RADA Program: Responsible Accountable Democratic Assembly promotes a representative, accountable and independent parliament, supported by the Eastern Europe Foundation.

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