OPORA has noticed that some people (observers, journalists of the Tochka Zoru edition, proxies) at polling stations in district #205 are wearing wristlets and T-shirts with UKROP logo. This symbol, registered by a charitable fund of the same name, was used by MP candidate Hennadii Korban, nominated by the UKROP party, during campaigning period.

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Thus, at polling station #741023 placed in a kindergarten at 134 Henerala Pukhova St., a proxy of self-nominated MP candidate Serhii Karpov was wearing a T-shirt with UKROP logo.

At polling station #741008 at 25B Donetska St., a woman registered as observer from Serhii Karpov was also wearing UKROP T-shirt. The corresponding report on violation of election law was drawn up.

At the same time, according to OPORA's observers, Deputy Head of PEC #741011 has announced that she was informed about possible provocations by so-called journalists of the Tochka Zoru edition wearing yellow wristlets.

According to the Article 74(24) of the Law of Ukraine on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine, after the termination of the election campaigning, no one shall hold election campaign events, spread election campaigning materials in the mass media, show election campaign films or videos, distribute election leaflets, posters, other printed campaigning materials or printed periodicals containing election campaigning materials, public appeals to vote or not to vote for parties that are electoral subjects or for MP candidates in a single-mandate district, or public assessment of the activities of those parties or MP candidates.