According to representatives of Civil Network OPORA, who conduct observation of by-election of MP of Ukraine in district #205, all the commissions under observation have conducted morning meetings. However, it should be mentioned that 11 of 80 commissions have started preparatory meetings earlier than 7:15 a.m. At the same time, according to the Law of Ukraine on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine, preparatory meetings should be held not earlier than 45 minutes before the voting begins.

All the precinct election commissions in the district have conducted a duly authorized meeting with a quorum. Nine precinct election commissions didn't keep the minutes of their preparatory meetings. According to the Article 35(2) of the Law, minutes must be kept at all commission meetings, and the Article 84 of the Law, which regulates the procedure of preparatory meetings, requires that number of ballots received by an election commission shall be indicated in both tabulation protocol and meeting minutes.

Not all the commissions have launched the voting process in time. According to OPORA, 11 of 80 precincts have opened before 8:00 a.m., what is against the Article 85(1) of the Law. The activists haven't noticed any incidents of PEC seals loss.