In Chernihiv, near polling station #741031 located at Pershoho Travnia St., OPORA's representatives have noticed leaflets affirming that MP candidate Serhii Berezenko, nominated in district #205 by the Solidarity Petro Poroshenko Block, is out of the race. The leaflet states on behalf of the candidate that „due to numerous scandals in district #205, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and the Solidarity party have decided to withdraw my candidacy from the election in district #205. However, my surname remains present in ballot papers, as long as it's impossible to reprint them.“

Similar leaflets were also noticed in other city districts, especially on bus stops.

berezenko znatya

The leaflets contain an imprint indicating a client and a person responsible for their printing.

 However, representative of Serhii Berezenko's headquarters Iryna Solomakha has informed OPORA's representative that these leaflets are fake.

- It's fake, - she said - These leaflets have nothing to do with activities of Serhii Berezenko's team. We don't know who did this, but it was quite predictable. There will be other incidents aimed to influence the election results. These leaflets are one of such ways.