Civil Network OPORA continues informing you about observation results of MPs' constituency activities. OPORA's observers pay special attention to activities of MPs in their constituencies, personal reception of citizens, and results of problem-solving in their districts. We would like to present you a survey of the work done by three majoritarian MPs in Zhytomyr oblast: Boryslav Rozenblat (SMD #62), Volodymyr Lytvyn (SMD #65) and Viktor Razvadovskyi (SMD # 67).

Borys Rozenblat has visited his district #62, held a meeting with the voters, and solved a number of problems in the district. The MP has submitted the following draft laws during the reporting period: concerning access to public information; assistance to domestic steel industry; fostering domestic production, foreign direct investment and development of small and medium enterprises; protection of species included to the Red Book of Ukraine. Local media continue actively covering activities of the MP. Besides that, a lot of materials were based on information provided during OPORA's interim press-conference. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #62 at:

Volodymyr Lytvyn has visited election district twice during the reporting period: on the beginning and in the end of June. He received the citizens personally, held a press-conference, and participated in a celebration of Chervonoarmiisk Town's Day. Besides that, the MP, together with local government representatives, has visited an information and awareness meeting with district citizens initiated by the CN OPORA. The MP has filed a number of inquiries during the reporting period. His inquiries concerned accommodation assistance to the families of servicemen; tariffs on housing services; a problem of schools closing down in the district. In June, local mass media have been more actively covering activities of the MP. Besides that, Lytvyn was actively using Facebook, where he published a report on his activities in June. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #65 at:

Viktor Razvadovskyi visited the district on dates scheduled by the Parliament in June. During his visits, the MP invited raion councilors and announced his position regarding administrative and territorial reform. Besides that, the MP had reception hours in city councils in the city of Romaniv and the town of Liubariv. The MP has filed some parliamentary inquiries concerning problems in the district. For example, he inquired about allocation of land for ATO participants; allocation of funds for the replacement of windows in Romaniv high school; and about increase in purchase prices for milk. Printed media were widely covering activities of the MP, similarly to the previous month. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #67 at: