Civil Network OPORA continues informing you about observation results of MPs' constituency activities. OPORA's observers pay special attention to activities of MPs in their constituencies, personal reception of citizens, and results of problem-solving in their districts. We would like to present you a survey of the work done by three majoritarian MPs in Dnipropetrovsk oblast: Yakiv Bezbakh (SMD #24), Maksym Kuriachyi (SMD #25) and Konstiantyn Pavlov (SMD #31).

Activities of Yakiv Bezbakh in SMD #24 are quite successful. Citizen reception office continues functioning in accordance to the schedule; it organizes meetings with the MP and public events. Yakiv Bezbakh continues making efforts in the reforming of housing services in Dnipropetrovsk city and water supply to the Pivnichnyi residential area. The MP has announced on public hearing dedicated to this issue that he's going to make every effort to transfer the right to provide water supply services to Dniprovodokanal CE, and to equal tariffs for Pivnichnyi residential area and other citizens of Dnipropetrovsk. Yakiv Bezbakh has sent a number of parliamentary inquiries to various establishments and institutions concerning housing and communal problems in Dnipropetrovsk. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #24 at:

MP Maksym Kuriachyi in SMD #25, similarly to the previous monitoring period, spends most of his time on parliamentary activities. However, he has managed to come to the district in June and communicate with the voters. His public reception office was also more active at that time. Besides that, assistants to the MP were actively providing feedback to the community. Maksym Kuriachui has informed about his cooperation with the Head of Dnipropetrovsk OSA Valentyn Reznichenko and MPs Ivan Kulichenko and Andrii Pavelko, both representing Dnipropetrovsk in the Parliament. In particular, they have jointly drafted a bill on health promotion program for children displaced from the ATO area, and from Crimea, who have later received from him permits to the Artek-Bukovel International Children's Center. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #25 at:

Kostiantyn Pavlov, district #31, has participated in some events, for example he greeted medal winners from Gimnasium No. 49 in Zhovtnevyi district of Kryvyi Rih, and awarded them with personal gifts. Besides that, the MP has visited a meeting of city council, where he proposed to provide citizens of Kryvyi Rih some benefits for city transport, and greeted everyone on the Medical Worker Day, Ukrainian Constitution Day, and Youth Day. The MP provided personal consultations in accordance with the schedule in Tertny and Zhovtneve Raion Councils. Local newspapers contained the corresponding announcements. As for the parliamentary activities, MP Kostiantyn Pavlov has submitted four bills jointly with his colleagues, aimed to amend the Budget Code concerning a possibility to allow local self-government bodies to decide on what to spend budget funds. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #31 at: