We would like to present you a survey of the work done by three majoritarian MPs in Vinnytsia oblast: Oleksii Poroshenko (SMD #12), Ivan Melnychuk (SMD #14) and Ruslan Demchak (SMD #18).

MP of Ukraine Oleksii Poroshenko (the Solidarity Petro Poroshenko Block), elected in electoral district #12, pays visits to his constituency 1-2 times a month, and participates in various celebrations, sporting, cultural and educational events from time to time. According to the information provided by his assistants, the MP often meets widows of perished ATO combatants. As long as Oleksii Poroshenko was on an unpaid vacation in the end of June, he didn't have any reception hours in accordance with Parliament's schedule. The MP wasn't that active in the Parliament too. He has filed only one parliamentary inquiry and co-authored one bill in May. Oleksii Poroshenko neither uses social networks actively, nor publishes reports on the results of his activities. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #12 at: rada.oporaua.org)

Ivan Melnychuk (ED #14) has spent most of the time in Kyiv and, according to his assistant, was actively working in the VRU Committee on Preventing and Combating Corruption. His assistants meet with the voters in the reception office on his behalf and help them to contact the MP. According to the assistants, Mr. Melnychuk comes to the district 1-2 times a month. The MP has a reception office at the address 36 Lenina St., city of Lityn. The reception is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It's the only reception in the district. The voters can always receive answers on their questions and consultations in the reception. Besides that, assistants to the MP are always open for communication. However, we have to mention that the MP doesn't adhere to requirements concerning personal reception of citizens, established by the Article 24 (14) of the Law Ukraine on the Status of National Deputies, saying that an MP shall receive voters personally on voter reception days scheduled by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Although Ivan Melnychuk didn't have any reception hours, his assistant affirmed the MP was in the district solving problems of the citizens. Ivan Melnychuk is quite active in law making and regularly files parliamentary inquiries to different institutions and departments. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #14 at: rada.oporaua.org)

MP Ruslan Demchak has proven himself as active and was aimed at solution of problems in his district. He visits his constituency quite often, has personal reception hours and communicated with the voters. His public receptions are open in all five raion centers of district #18 (in cities of Illintsi, Lypovets, Nemyriv, Pohrebyshche, and Orativ). Reception employees answer calls and consult the voters. Ruslan Demchak comes to the each raion in the district #18 at least once a month, meets representatives of local authorities, ATO participants, and citizens coming to receptions. The MP has registered only one bill in May, developed jointly with other MPs. He hasn't published any reports on activities results. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #18 at: rada.oporaua.org)