Civil Network OPORA continues informing you about observation results of MPs' constituency activities. OPORA's observers are mostly focused on adherence to Law requirements concerning personal reception of citizens, their work in the district, functioning of receptions etc.

This report covers activities of three majoritarian MPs in Chernivtsi oblast: Ivan Rybak (SMD #202), Hryhorii Timish (SMD #203) and Maksym Burbak (SMD #204).

Ivan Rybak pays visits to district #202 every two weeks. For example, he had personal reception days in the cities of Kitsman, Vyzhnytsia and Putyla in May. However, there were no public events organized. Public receptions are opened once a week; the time and day of reception is announced in local media. However, assistants to the MP don't systematize citizen appeals. As for activities of the MP in Parliament, he has registered five draft laws and filed six parliamentary inquiries in May 2015. Most of them were dedicated to problems in the constituency and corresponded to his pre-election promises. These bills and inquiries usually concerned environmental issues: animal world protection, waste recycling, funds used for environmental protection etc. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #202 at:

According to employees of his public receptions, Hryhorii Timish usually comes to the district #203 each month on days dedicated for reception of citizens and sometimes on day-offs in-between plenary sessions. All three receptions in the oblast function on a satisfactory level and provide the necessary information. During the reporting period, Hryhorii Timish was active both in the Parliament and in his constituency. For example, on a working week in May, he had reception days, met with raion officials, and visited employment center in Chernivtsi. Besides that, Hryhorii Timish is a co-author of two draft resolutions concerning EU-Ukraine visa regulations. Both drafts were signed by the President, and they have direct influence on Ukrainian citizens and especially the border district where the MP was elected. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #203 at:

Maksym Burbak has only one public reception, located outside of the district #204 in Chernivtsi city. However, the MP was receiving citizens in raion administrations on days scheduled by the law. Mr. Burbak is one of those few MPs who conducted the press-conference on his activities in May, where he reported about his work in the Parliament and discussed topical issue in the district. The MP has paid a working visit to Romania, participated in Marketing Forum and festival, visited sessions of raion councils in his district, and conducted awareness campaign on consolidation of territorial communities. Maksym Burbak has submitted 2 draft laws on war invalid pension tax and violation of thoroughfare requirements for heavy-load vehicles. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #204 at: