Civil Network OPORA continues informing you about observation results of MPs' constituency activities. OPORA's observers are mostly focused on adherence to Law requirements concerning personal reception of citizens, their work in the district, functioning of receptions etc.

We would like to present you a survey of the work done by three majoritarian MPs in Odesa oblast: Serhii Kivalov (SMD #135), Oleksandr Presman (SMD #139) and Oleksandr Urbanskyi (SMD # 143).

Serhii Kivalov spends most of the time in the election district, takes active part in public events, which organization was initiated either by him or by Odessa International Humanitarian University or the National University Odesa Law Academy. The MP receives citizens personally not less than once a month, and one such reception day (7 May 2015), according to the VRU schedule, was dedicated to work in committees, but not to reception of citizens in constituencies. In May, the MP gave many speeches on numerous celebrations and public events, which were actively covered by the certain local media in Odesa. At the same time, Serhii Kivalov was not so active in the Parliament: he introduced only one bill and didn't file any inquiries. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #135 at:

It's difficult to say that Oleksandr Presman was very active in the second half of April and May. The MP didn't file any parliamentary inquiries and didn't introduce any bills. He has only had some personal reception days and conducted some meetings with voters in villages belonging to his constituency. The abovementioned events were held on dates scheduled as days for personal reception of citizens. The MP appeared on local media many times during the given period, wishing the citizens happy holidays on various celebrations. At the same time, assistants to the MP have organized much more meetings with voters in the district, and received citizens in MP's reception. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #139 at:

MP Oleksandr Urbanskyi usually pays a few day visits to election district each month. There is no information proving that the MP has had meeting with the voters in the last week of May 2015 (the Parliament scheduled this week for meetings with the voters). At the same time, a half of days that MP has spent in the district were weekends, and another half – days with plenary sittings or committee meetings scheduled. According to the information provided on MP's official site, personal reception day for citizens was on the beginning of May, on the very day scheduled for committee meeting. Most of public events which the MP has participated in were not connected directly with implementation of his duties (greetings to contest participants, official celebrations etc.). During the reporting period, the MP has introduced two bills to the Parliament, which were directly related to the problems in his electoral district. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #143 at: