Civil Network OPORA calls MPs of Ukraine not to delay the adoption of a new Law on Local Elections in the first reading and elaborate the basic draft law for the second reading with all the factions and election law experts involved. Imitation of the reform or political will in such fundamentally important issue as electoral law reform can undermine trust to the coalition and question the ability of MPs to fulfill their duties independently of personal or narrow party interests.

State-level consistent decision on politically sensitive issue of transferring the authority would show the society that the highest legislative body really intends to make systematic and irreversible changes.

One must be frank with the society and admit that factions comprising the coalition have all the tools to successfully bring the election law reform to the end. If politicians on the highest level step aside from their affirmations concerning the importance of adopting new election rules, introducing an open-list proportional representation system, two-round elections of city mayors, transparency of political financing, and fair campaigning on this stage, it will become obvious that all such affirmations were pure populism.

Today, Ukrainian Parliament must make it clear whether it is the center or taking state-level decisions or not. There are enough conscientious politicians among MPs and parliamentary factions who think in the longer term and have all the chances to prove this in the session hall on 18 June.