We would like to present an analytical report covering three single-member districts in Dnipropetrovsk oblast, which have the following representatives in the Parliament: Yakov Bezbakh (SMD #24), Maksym Kuriachyi (SMD #25) and Konstiantyn Pavlov (SMD #31). The report covers constituency activities of abovementioned MPs in May: personal reception of citizens; solution of problems in the district; and coverage of their activities in the media.

Yakiv Bezbakh's central public reception (SMD #24), located at 27K Kosiora St., was working by schedule, and assistants to the MP were registering citizen appeals and provided the necessary information upon a request. As long as Yakiv Bezbakh lives in Dnipropetrovsk, he often comes to the reception office and receives citizens personally. The MP has visited one public event in May, organized by the INTERPIPE NTRP, and participated in public hearings dedicated to problems of housing and communal services. On the hearings, the MP has informed citizens that had filed parliamentary inquiries concerning the need to return property of the Prydniprovska Railway to the state ownership. Besides that, the MP has stated on his Facebook page that the certain agreement was reached on public hearings dedicated to transference of water pipe networks to the balance of Dnipropetrovsk city. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #24 at: rada.oporaua.org)

Reception of MP Maksym Kuriachyi in SMD #25 is located closely to the Production Association Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant named after A.M. Makarov SE (YUZHMASH), which defense is one of MP's current tasks. The reception is functioning stably and according to the schedule. Maksym Kuriachyi has visited the district only once to take part in Victory Day celebrations, and didn't have any personal reception days. The MP didn't file any parliamentary inquiry, but had introduced 6 legislative initiatives related to land plot tax, medical treatment of children from the ATO area, power industry and socially disadvantaged population groups. Maksym Kuriachyi provides information about his activities and reports on his official website and Facebook page (through his assistants). (You can find detailed information about the SMD #25 at: rada.oporaua.org)

Konstiantyn Palvov (SMD #31) has had two personal reception days on dates, scheduled as days for reception of citizens by the Verkhovna Rada. He received citizens personally in Zhovtneve Raion in City Council and Kryvyi Rih City Council. The citizens were required to fill in forms describing the matter (issue) of their appeal. Besides that, Mr. Pavlov visited solemn, festive and memorable events of the city, and gave welcoming speech on their opening. On the Victory Day, the MP presented food sets to families having many children, veterans and disabled persons. Newspapers the Chervonyi Hirnyk ('Red Miner') and the Puls ('Pulse') always emphasize that the events are held with assistance of the MP. These newspapers usually provide information about his activities and schedule of the reception, which is constantly changing. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #31 at: rada.oporaua.org)