Civil Network OPORA continues observing and analyzing activities of majoritarian MPs in the certain election districts. OPORA's observers pay special attention to the way MPs co-operate with the voters, and whether they solve topical issues in the district and inform the public about results of their work on the Parliament.

We would like to present you a survey of the work done by three majoritarian MPs in Lviv oblast: Oksana Yurynets (SMD #117, Petro Poroshenko Block faction), Bohdan Dubnevych (SMD #118, Petro Poroshenko Block faction), and Volodymyr Parasiuk (SMD #122, non-faction) in May 2015.

Oksana Yurynets actively communicates with the voters, and is open to discussion of issues that are topical in the district and in oblast. It should be mentioned that she meets with students Lviv universities from time to time, participates in public discussion of bills and adopted laws, and the public receives enough information about her activities. In May, the MP was actively participating in the work of VRU Committee – organized hearings, attended thematic meetings, represented the Committee on national and local TV channels. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #117 at:

Bohdan Dubnevych visits the district periodically, and is trying to keep in touch with the voters, as well as to fulfill his pre-election commitments. For example, the MP provides financial assistance upon individual requests of voters or collective requests for equipment purchases or repairs in schools, usually though his charitable organization Dubnevychis Brothers Fund. Besides that, to inform the voters about his activities aimed at solution of problems in the district, the MP publishes his parliamentary inquiries with answers received in social networks. We'd like to mention that the MP provides a positive example by informing the voters about weekly results of plenary sittings (list of bills voted and short explanation of their content). (You can find detailed information about the SMD #118 at:

Volodymyr Parasiuk in Lviv oblast is closely related to his volunteering and fundraising for ATO needs. Having analyzed his visits to the district in May, we've noticed that they are quite spontaneous, and aimed to persist in his position, but not to solve problems in the district through cooperation with voters and local self-government bodies. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #122 at: