As it's already known, the CEC has scheduled by-election for 26 July after Valerii Kulich (Petro Poroshenko Block), who was elected in district #205 in 2014 parliamentary elections, withdrew his mandate. Today, the CEC has approved the membership of District Election Commission (DEC) #205 on the basis of draw of lots by 25 parties and nominations from 6 parliamentary parties which has formed factions in the Parliament.

According to the current legislation, each parliamentary faction is entitled to have 1 representative in DEC membership, provided that it nominates them. The CEC has received nominations from all political parties, which factions are registered in the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada. The other 12 members were selected by the means of draw between nominees from parties (1 party – 1 nominee), which participated in parliamentary elections on 26 October 2014. 25 of 29 parties (electoral subjects), which had their candidates registered in a multi-mandate election district for 2014 early parliamentary elections in Ukraine, have used the right to nominate candidates for membership of the DEC (a candidate per party). Taking into consideration that all the submissions were made in accordance with the Law, 25 nominees participated in the draw of lots.

According to the draw results, the CEC has approved membership of the DEC #205 comprising 18 persons. According to the Article 26(6) of the Law of Ukraine on the Elections of Deputies, the CEC has appointed officials: Commission Head – Znachko Valentyna from the Syla and Chest political party; Deputy Head – Mozhova Olha from the Batkivshchyna; Commission Secretary – Mynenok Olha from the Svoboda. It should be mentioned that, according to the results of draw, parties Petro Poroshenko Block, Radical Party, Samopomich Union and AUU Batkivshchyna are going to have 2 representatives each.

Documents for registration of MP candidates will be accepted from 30 May to 25 June inclusive, and on the very next day after registration candidates will be allowed to start campaigning.

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