TV program Dear Deputies is a joint project of the OPORA, Hromadske TV, and the First National TV Channel, the First National TV channel and USAID's program the RADA. This weekly program provides the audience information about activities and inaction of MPs, their salaries, offices, internal matters, soviet spirit of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and international experience of parliamentarism. This program is goaled to explain complicated things in a comprehensible way and make people smile if there is a reason.

The sixteenth series of the program that was broadcasted on 11 May covered:

- Behind the scenes of the first female Vice Speaker of the Parliament: visiting an office of Oksana Syroid (non-faction, elected from the Samopomich Union party).

- The rubric "Parliamentary mathematics" tells us which majoritarian MPs visit plenary sittings often and which visit them rarely.

According to the data of Civil Network OPORA, MPs elected in Rivne oblast are the most diligent (94% attendance at sittings). MPs elected in Kharkiv oblast are the least diligent (57% attendance). The series also tells about representatives of other oblasts.

- Veterans, ATO participants, MPs and the President of Ukraine – a coverage of the solemn meeting at the Parliament dedicated to 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi in World War II.

- Cherkasy oblast: do average citizens know their representative in district #200? A copy of Eiffel tower, playgrounds, or draft laws – how do district inhabitants remember the MP Anton Yatsenko (Revival group of MPs).

- Rubric "Vokabula": we'll ask whether MPs are aware of the ad hoc procedure to be applied during the law drafting (decision on a one-time deviation from the Rules of Parliamentary Procedure).

We'll also talk to MPs Oleh Petrenko (Petro Poroshenko Block), Liliia Hrynevych (People's Front), Olha Chervakova (Petro Poroshenko Block) and Leonid Yemets (People's Front).

The Civil Network OPORA - is non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.

All series of the program Dear Deputies | Parliamentary monitoring | Website

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