As of 12:00 PM, observers of the Civil Network OPORA reported some procedural violations that cannot be characterized as planned or systematic.


Attempts to issue ballot papers without passport verification is the most widespread violation, reported at 7.4% of polling stations. According to the Article 85(3) of the Law of Ukraine on the Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine, a voter can vote only after verification of a passport of Ukrainian citizen, or a temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine (if the citizenship is lately acquired).

At 3.2% of polling stations, observers reported unauthorized persons present, what is against the Article 34(2) of the Law. According to the Law, members of election commissions, MP candidates and their proxies, the parties’ authorized persons, the official observers, and mass media representatives can be present at a polling station.

Violation of the voting secrecy was reported at 2.7% polling stations, what is a criminal offense (Article 159(1) of the CrCU).

At 2.3% of polling stations, OPORA's observers reported incidents when voters were trying to take ballots out of polls. Such violation can be a part of the carousel voting technology, the intentional falsification of voting results. The criminal responsibility is provided by the Article 158(4) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for such type of offense.


Порушення зафіксованні ОПОРОЮ на 12:00