Preparatory meetings of precinct election commissions and the beginning of the voting process in early parliamentary elections in Ukraine started in calm atmosphere and without electoral violations on mass scale. At the same time, unknown persons provided false information about mining of some polling stations in Mykolaiv and Rivne oblasts.

According to OPORA's observers deployed to a number of polling stations representative for the whole country, 20% of precinct election commissions started preparatory meetings earlier than 7:15 AM. At the same time, according to the Law of Ukraine on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine, preparatory meetings should be held not earlier than 45 minutes before the voting begins. As a result, official observers didn't have a chance to secure due observation of morning meetings.





Almost all the precinct election commissions in the country conducted preparatory meetings, and gathered quorum (more than half of total commission membership). At the same time, 5% of election commissions didn't keep the minutes of their preparatory meetings. There were only some incidents that PEC seals disappeared.

According to the OPORA's data, more than 17% of polling stations opened earlier or later than time established by the legislation (8:00 AM on 26 October).

Only 1% of observers reported that PECs obstructed due observation of the election procedures. At the same time, 3% of observers reported the certain problems on opening of polling stations.

According to OPORA's data, 2.8% of voters will vote at their place of stay.




The voting process is organized only in 17 of 32 single-member districts in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts due to the Russian military intervention and activities of terrorist organizations. However, some PECs in these districts didn't manage to secure implementation of procedures required for opening of polling stations. Only 4 of 110 polling stations have opened in the DEC #45 (Donetsk oblast), while the largest part of the district is controlled by terrorist organizations. At polling station #141121 (district #46, city of Artemivsk, Donetsk obl.), commission members made a mistake and put the stamp “Removed” in ballot papers opposite to a name of one candidate in single-mandate district.

According to observers, employees of the MIAU take measures to ensure law and order during the voting. For example, on October 26, law enforcement bodies detained a group of individuals near the district election commission #217 (Kyiv city), who introduced themselves as the "Obolon district civic watch". The militia investigates why these individuals were staying near the election commission.