Observers of a joint monitoring campaign of the Donetsk Office of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine and Civic Network OPORA reported about the following violation.

All ballot papers for single-mandate district #46 were spoiled in the polling station #141121, that is subject to the district election commission #46 (Artemivsk). In particular, commission members have put the stamp "Removed" next to the candidate Natalia Nikidna. However, observers say the polling station is opened and the voters can vote for candidates from party lists.

We remind that elections in Donetsk oblast have started only in a part of districts, as long as the certain DECs are on a temporarily occupied territory.


About civic observation during the elections:
Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA and AUNGO Committee of Voters of Ukraine in Donetsk - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action.
Starting from September 2014, Civil Network OPORA conducts a large-scale observation of special parliamentary elections in Ukraine. The organization will attract 213 long-term observers in every region of Ukraine to monitor the campaign from its official start to announcement of the final election results. On the Election Day on May 26, more than 2,000 activists will join them to conduct statistically-based parallel vote tabulation.
In Donetsk oblast the civic observation of the Parliamentary election process is conducted by the oblast office of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine.
Contacts for the press:
Oleksandr Ivanov
Press-secretary of Donetsk Oblast Office of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine AUNGO
(050) 569-23-05; (062) 213-02-56