Another incident of criminal interference in the electoral process was reported in Kyiv oblast. Yesterday, MP candidate Oleh Boiko nominated in district #93 (centered in Myronivtsi, Kyiv oblast) was attacked. The information was confirmed by law enforcement bodies and the candidate himself.

According to the information provided by press service of the candidate, the attacked was made in Kaharlyk raion, 15-20 kilometers form Kaharlyk on Kaharlyk-Kyiv highway. Oleh Boiko's car was blocked with two cars, silver Toyota Prado and Audi passenger car. There were two offenders. "Threatening with a gun, they made the candidate and his assistant leave the car. While one of them pointed the gun at assistant, another was beating Oleh Boiko. The offender demanded that Oleh Boiko removed his candidacy, and threatened to kill him if he refuses. Investigators of Kaharlyk Raion Administration of Main Department of MIA in Kyiv oblast opened the criminal case on the fact of attack, and SBU officers are attracted to the investigation. The victim has numerous hematomas on the left side of his face, soft tissue contusion and suspected concussion," - the press service informs.

HOT news 23 10 kyiv region 93 pobyttya1 HOT news 23 10 kyiv region 93 pobyttya2

Photos are provided by the press-service of candidate Oleh Boiko

Head of Public Relations Subdivision of MD of MIAin Kyiv oblast Mykola Zhukovych confirmed the information in his comment for Civil Network OPORA.

- The candidate appealed himself and reported the attack, - Mr. Zhukovych told. - Operational-investigative group went there yesterday to study the circumstances. Boiko was really attacked. His car was blocked by two other cars while driving on the road. Then they broke the front window with a brick, and hit the candidate few times. They were also threatening him. He was threatened, as he reported later, with an object similar to the gun.

We opened two criminal cases on this incident - under Article 157(3) (obstruction to activities of an electoral subject), and Article 296 (4) (armed hooliganism).

Oleh Boiko himself told Civil Network OPORA that it's difficult to suggest who initiated the attack.

 - It's difficult to say who did it, - said Oleh Boiko. - However, this person definitely wants to remove me from the race with threats. I mean, to make me remove my candidacy. Perhaps it's my competitor on the elections. There are five the strongest to my mind.

The candidate told that he will tell this story to his electorate in Kaharlyk and Myronivtsi, and mentioned that his campaigners were threatened earlier - in Bohuslav and Pereiaslav. The campaigners also reported the incident to militia.

For comment, please contact:
Ruslana Velychko,
Electoral Programs Coordinator at Civil Network OPORA
in Kyiv oblast
063 187 41 06
Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action.
Starting from September 2014, Civil Network OPORA conducts a large-scale observation of special parliamentary elections in Ukraine. The organization will attract 213 long-term observers in every region of Ukraine to monitor the campaign from its official start to announcement of the final election results. On the Election Day on May 26, more than 2,000 activists will join them to conduct statistically-based parallel vote tabulation.