On 8 July 2014 at 11:30am in the Chasopys Creative Space (3 L. Tolstoho St., Kyiv) a complex method for qualitative assessment of draft laws will be presented by Civil Network OPORA, its developer. This method may become a powerful instrument for lawmakers and their assistants during preparation of draft laws, as well as for expert groups and political scientists who assess them and compare their quality.

Most of current law drafts, registered in Ukrainian Parliament still need to be elaborated and properly drew up. Besides that, they often do not correspond do public demand and are not harmonized with the effective legislation, but are politically biased, have gaps which enable violations, or solve the correspondent issue only partially.

The complex analytical method, elaborated by Civil Network OPORA, contains a checklist with 30 quality criteria, divided into 5 groups (general, legal, fighting corruption, progress in "good governance" and topicality of the given problem), and allows to give the final assessment for a bill from 1 to 5 points. Firstly, it allows to generate a complex vision of the form and content of draft law. Secondly, one may assess draft laws on the basis of wider indicators that the state expertise allows, and make comparative analysis for some alternative drafts.

These and other peculiarities of analytical assessment method for draft laws, as well as opportunities for improvement of law-making process will be presented by:

  • Olha Aivazovska, Electoral and Parliamentary Programs Coordinator of the Civil Network OPORA;
  • Olen Rybii, OPORA's analyst;
  • Oleksandr Kliuzhev, OPORA's expert;
  • Petro Burkovskyi, expert of the NUKMA School for Policy Analysis.
  • Specialist of the VRU Central scientific expert office.

Leading experts, representative of parliamentary factions, politologists, representatives of political parties and NGOs, diplomatic missions and international organizations will guest on the event.

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Registartion is mandatory.

Detailed information:

Vasyl Babych, Press-secretary of the OPORA, +38 096 194 86 69


Civil Network OPORA - is a non-governmental, non-party and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of civic activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.

More about Civil Network OPORA: http://oporaua.org/