The voter turnout was "shifted" from the Center to West of Ukraine. Such result can be made on the basis of comparative analysis of voter turnout at 11am, 3pm, and 8pm on 25 May.

Thus, according to the data published on the site of the Central Election Commission, voter turnout at 11am was the highest in Central oblasts of Ukraine – Kyiv (23.27%), Kirovohrad (22.05%), and Volyn (21.68%) oblasts. The voters were also quite active in Cherkasy (21.66%), Khmelnytsk (21.66%), Chernihiv (21.14%), and Poltava (21.05%) oblasts.

At 11am, the highest turnout was in election district # 95 (28.08%, centered in city of Obukhiv), #191 (27.59%, town of Teophipol, Khmelnytsk oblast), and #22 (27.16%, Lutsk city).




The activeness of voters at 3pm is quite different. Having analyzed the given data, we can see that the peak of activeness is in north-western Ukraine. Volyn and Rivne oblasts, which have crossed 50% level, were the leaders (53.44% and 50.91% respectively). The voter turnout in Vinnytsia oblast (48.68%) and Khmelnytsk oblast (49.90%) was stably high.

The largest number of voters came to polls in election districts #191 (55.97%, centered in town of Teophipol, Khmelnytsk oblast), #22 (55.75%, Lutsk city), and #19 (54.96%, city of Volodymyr-Volynskyi).




In the end of election day, the high turnout "shifted" to the west. At 8pm, the highest turnout was in Lviv (78.20%), Ternopil (76.63%), and Ivano-Frankivsk (73.95%) oblasts. Three leading districts are in Lviv oblast: #125 (82.07%, city of Pustomyty), #122 (81.92%, city of Zhovkva), and #124 (city of Yavoriv).


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The map of voter turnout on the election day is available here:



The data is taken from the official site of the CEC.