Three violations at the PEC #800705, DEC #221, were recorded at once.

Commission secretary (from the candidate Liashko) came not quite sober to his workplace at the Election Day. The Head was urged to submit an appeal to the CEC and at 12:25 PM the secretary was replaced.

One of the members of PEC, who issued the ballots, did not explain the voter the need to sign the control coupon of the ballot. In such a manner from 5 to 7 ballots were issued. Later another commission member was appointed to issue the ballots, and the woman mentioned above was assigned to follow the list of voters.

At the same polling station a commission member - elderly person- was not checking the passports while issuing the ballots.
This person was replaced and assigned to monitor the ballot boxes. That man "showed himself" there as well. When the voters, exiting the voting booth, asked him what to do next with the ballot, he took the ballots from them and dropped them into the boxes without folding.

For comment, please contact:
Taras Chmut,
Election Programs Coordinator
Civil Network OPORA in Kyiv

Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action. Since March, OPORA conducts a wide observation campaign during snap Presidential election, interim Parliamentary elections (district #83), and special local elections. The organization cooperates with 175 long-term observers, who are watching the course of election campaign in all Ukrainian regions. On the Election Day on May 25, 3,000 activists will join them to conduct the parallel vote tabulation, based on statistical sample.