Joint international media center for analysis and consulting “For Fair Elections – 2014!” with participation of the Civil Network OPORA started its work. The task of the Center is to provide independent, professional and verified information; provide analytical and legal support to international journalists and observers.

The center “For Fair Elections – 2014!” provides:

  • consultation on election legislation from an international “hot line”
  • training/advising for international journalists and election observers on demand
  • access to press conferences and individual press briefings
  • free hosting of press events for international observers
  • analysis and materials on election observation
  • access to the most comprehensive and recent election observation reports and laws in Ukrainian and English
27a Khreschatyk str, 2 floor, conference hall
+38 (050) 960-94-22; +38 (096) 397-22-54
Working hours:
May 20-24: 08:00-20:00
May 26-27: 08:00-20:00
May 25: 08:00-all day and night
In case of 2nd round of elections:
June 12-14: 08:00-20:00
June 16-17: 08:00-20:00
June 15: 08:00-24:00

The project is implemented in partnership with the All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organization Committee of Voters of Ukraine, Civil Network OPORA, and the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) with financial support from the European Commission and German-Polish-Foundation.