TV program "Before You Vote" is a joint project of the Civil Network OPORA and Hromadske TV, dedicated to elections scheduled for May 25.

In the sixth part:

  • Will the elections be held in Donbas?
  • How to vote in location different from the place of registration – presentation of an animation video.
  • "Portrait of a candidate": declarations, programs, biography facts of Presidential candidates (Tymoshenko, Tihipko, Tiahnybok).
  • "There is a question": from the politics to music tastes. Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandr Klymenko and Andrii Hrynenko participated in fast questioning.
  • "Electoral instruments": unlawful campaigning – voter bribery, administrative resource, black PR.
  • Adventures of observers during the elections: Taras Prokop with a detective story about disclosure of unlawful campaigning in Old Belief church.