About the observation in short

Within the monitoring campaign, OPORA attracts observers in every Ukrainian oblast to the conduction of long- and short-term observation during snap Presidential election, interim Parliamentary elections (district #83), and special local elections. In 2014, the course of election campaign from official start to the announcement of winners will be analyzed by 190 long-term observers. Two thousand of short-term observers will join them on the Election Day (in every round). Besides that, OPORA will deploy 500 short-term observers on May 25 in Kyiv. On the basis of gathered data, OPORA will prepare interim reports on commission activities, nomination of candidates, campaigning, the use of administrative resource, vote count etc. Besides that, the organization will publish results of sample-based parallel vote tabulation (PVT or quick count), which is representative and has small margin of error, compared to other types of research. The PVT will be conducted during Presidential election and local elections in the capital (election of Kyiv city mayor, and of members to local council by party lists).

OPORA successfully implements modern observation methods and instruments, and uses innovative means to disseminate observation results – infographics and an interactive map of violations. During the election day, the organization conducts sample-based quick count. This method is based on voting results, gathered on polling stations, picked by statistical sampling. OPORA's observers are staying at polling stations, and systematically provide information about turnout, violations, and voting results to the central database.

All summaries are based on generally recognized principles and requirements for the organization and conduct of the democratic elections. These standards are represented in the Venice Commission Code of Good Practice in electoral matters, Copenhagen Documents, Commitments for Democratic Elections in OSCE Participating States.

In 2014, OPORA will secure the functioning of 2 unique web-resources: remote training course for civic activists, journalists and observers, as well as the map of violations which visualizes the course of election campaign in Ukraine. The training component will secure all practical needs of citizens and international missions securing observation during the campaign, and map of violations will help to systematize the information about violations.

Ukraine's political situation in electoral context

The current presidential election campaign is conducted in the most difficult conditions for the whole history of independent Ukraine. Despite there are no officially insurmountable obstacles for the conduction of snap Presidential election, the great amount of hazards, both internal and external, complicate the election process and make it unpredictable. In particular, the danger of military intervention of Russian Federation deeper into Ukrainian territory remains the challenge for Ukrainian people and hazards organization of Presidential election. The Russian Federation has accumulated troops on the border with Ukraine, says it doesn't recognize new Ukrainian government, and takes other actions to intervene in the internal affairs of Ukraine. Thus, we may assume that the Russian Federation will make any effort to obstruct the conduction of snap Presidential election in May 2014 and recognition of their results. We should remind that if active hostilities begin, and the state of emergency or the state of martial law is introduced in Ukraine, the special elections will be canceled.

The situation with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol, occupied by Russian troops, is quite worrying in the context of presidential campaign, as long as these territories legally belong to Ukraine. Military occupation hinders free and unimpeded voting of Ukrainian citizens, and creates an outstanding precedent in the organization of the election process. The CEC and legislative bodies haven't decided yet on how to secure the realization of voting right for citizens living on occupied territories. The corresponding regulations should be urgently adopted in the nearest future. In addition to the fact that external national sovereignty and territorial integrity are endangered by the RF, separatists in Eastern oblasts have seized administrative buildings and call for federalization of Ukraine or other means goaled for the division of the country (i.e. creation of so-called Donetsk People's Republic). If political conflicts and realization of "Crimean scenario" in unstable eastern regions continues, particularly till the election day, it will hazard the election process, vote count, and other procedures provided by the law.

In general, the election campaign which have officially started more than a month ago (on 25 February 2014), still remains passive and, moreover, less important issue on the background of the abovementioned threats.

The start of these snap elections is definitely passive, campaigning on local level is almost absent. Only some candidates are actively campaigning, but the majority is still on the internal organization stage. All the election headquarters of candidates are not fully functioning in all regions of Ukraine; they are often without chairmen, urgently hire the staff, rent offices, distribute powers, search for the resources etc. Headquarters of candidates, which are supported by parties with well-developed network of regional branches, have the largest complement and widest structure (like the AUU Batkivshchyna, AUU Svoboda, and UDAR of Vitaliy Klitschko supporting Petro Poroshenko's campaign). In general, Petro Poroshenko, Yuliia Tymoshenko, Oleh Tiahnybok, Dmytro Yarosh, Anatolii Hrytsenko, Vasyl Kuibida, Oleh Liashko and Olha Bohomolets are quite actively creating their regional headquarters.

Campaigning tents with printed materials for dissemination, conduction of sports, ecological, and charitable events, advertising in the media etc., are rarely used by the candidates. It's interesting that the outdoor advertising resources (billboards, city-lights etc.) are almost not used for campaigning purposes as of early April 2014.

Only some Presidential candidates have started their election "tours" to the regions of Ukraine. These candidates have visited regions where they're widely supported (O. Liashko to Chernihiv oblast, P. Poroshenko to Vinnytsia oblast); presented their electoral programs to journalists and students in Kyiv (Yu. Tymoshenko, P. Poroshenko, M. Malomuzh); paid visits, caused by social and political needs (Yu. Tymoshenko and D. Yarosh visiting Donetsk oblast, O. Liashko visiting Luhansk oblast), and some other (for example O. Bohomolets visiting Kherson).

Simultaneously, candidates temporarily do ignore the direct campaigning means, only O. Liashko has actively started engaging the voters directly. As of April 2014, this politician has paid a number of visits to different oblasts. Besides that, his team organizes public actions, and outdoor advertising of the candidate (slogan "Death to occupants") was probably the first that appeared on Ukrainian streets. O. Tiahnybok also quite actively visits the voters in regions, particularly during meetings of the AUU Svoboda.

It should be mentioned that on the eve of special elections in Ukraine, officials of OSAs and RSAs are radically substituted, and representatives of the ex-opposition, particularly AUU Batkivshchyna, receive the majority of positions. At the same time, personnel rotations among heads of raion and oblast councils are slower and quite complicated (the absence of quorum during voting on withdrawal or appointment. Heads themselves are also trying to resist by taking sick leaves or going on vacations etc.. Despite the nationwide personnel rotations process, no incidents of new local government officials using powers to campaign in favor of any presidential candidates were reported.

As of early April 2014, mass media pay little attention to the election campaign, what can be explained by the absence of important news from candidates and representatives of their headquarters. Dissemination of inadequate information about the election occurs rarely (in Chernihiv oblast). In particular, it's campaigning materials in the media, and dissemination of provocative leaflets without an imprint (Chernihiv and Chernivtsi oblasts).

Organization of the election process in the Autonomous Republic Crimea is impossible because the territory is occupied by RF troops. There are no campaigning activities in this region. The information about the course of presidential election campaign is available for Crimean citizens only in the internet, as long as Ukrainian national radio and TV channels and most of local ones were forcibly closed in this region.

To sum up, the election campaign has started quite passively due to the military threat and complicated social and political processes. Main participants of the campaign haven’t started the necessary preparations to the presidential race.


For Presidential candidates and political parties

  • Candidates and political parties - subjects of the election process should avoid any separatist rhetoric, actions, or calls which can stir up the confrontation between citizens and will affect integrity of the country. The election campaign should be as constructive as it's possible. It should help to overcome the political crisis and decrease the tension between citizens.
  • The candidates should be open and ready to sign the memorandum on fair behavior during the election process, adherence to the principles of competition and responsibility for violations committed by their headquarters, which is initiated by the public.

For the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

  • It's necessary to prepare and urgently consider draft amendments to the Law of Ukraine on Election of the President of Ukraine, or a special Law on Organization of the Voting Process for Citizens Living on Temporarily Occupied Territories of the AR Crimea. The initiative will assist to the integration of Crimean population to political processes in Ukraine, as well as to the long-term goal of Crimean status de facto;
  • To strengthen responsibility for violation of the election process, particularly those provided by the Criminal Code of Ukraine: organization of buying and selling the votes, falsification of the election documentation, and abusing powers of state officials to provide preferences for the certain candidates (administrative resource).

For the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC), MIA of Ukraine, SBU and State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

  • To develop and approve a comprehensive plan for application of increased security measures to prevent provocations, military confrontation, and interference of the third countries in order to protect voters and the campaign in general. Announcement of the state of emergency or the state of martial law will stir up internal and external confrontation. Thus, the abovementioned state authorities should fulfill their duties professionally and actively react to external and internal hazards for the election process.
  • To provide the necessary information about implementation of the plan to the public through mass media, and conduct awareness campaigns in order to prevent provocations and instruct the people on how to behave in a situation of military confrontation etc.;
  • To take the adequate personnel decisions regarding inaction of local law-enforcement bodies during separatist activities, beating of protesters, and seizure of state and municipal buildings. Unfortunately, deepening of the problem can adversely affect the whole election campaign.

Pre-electoral activeness of candidates for the President of Ukraine

In March – early April, the candidate's campaigning was passive in all Ukrainian regions. Main peculiarity of this election campaign is that the candidates for the President of Ukraine didn't hurry to conduct large-scale campaigning events. The CEC has finished registering candidates for the President of Ukraine (OPORA's report on the stage of registration is available here) on April 4. Only after this, campaigning in the regions started. Petro Poroshenko, Yuliia Tymoshenko and Oleh Tiahnybok are the most active candidates in organization of election headquarters and other campaigning structures. Campaigning is still quite limited, what can be explained by a number of reasons. On one side, candidates continue to solve preparatory issues. On the other side, in view of complex social and political situation and possible aggression from Russia, the candidates don't conduct active campaigning, afraid of being misunderstood. Candidates for the President of Ukraine started coming to oblasts with campaigning purposes (the most active: Oleh Liashko, Yuliia Tymoshenko, Oleh Tiahnybok). Simultaneously, its' impossible to conduct campaigning activities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol, since these territories are annexed by the Russian Federation.

OPORA's observers state that presidential candidates haven't finished the formation of their election structures in territorial election districts. They still hire the personnel, and leaders of regional election campaigns are being presented. In fact, the candidates continue preparations during the election campaign. Taking into consideration the reasons for this snap elections and time constraints of their main stages, most of the candidates haven't managed to solve organizational issues in time.

According to the information provided by OPORA's observers, candidates Yuliia Tymoshenko, Petro Poroshenko, and Oleh Tiahnybok were the most active in organization of their election headquarters as of 4/8/2014. Oleh Liashko, Anatolii Hrytsenko, Olha Bohomolets, and Petro Symonenko were less active in organization of their network of headquarters. In some regions, election headquarters of Dmytro Yarosh, Serhii Tihipko, Mykhailo Dobkin, Vasyl Kuibida, and Oleksandr Klymenko are being created. The other candidates were not active in similar campaigning activities. Thus, 12 candidates are to the certain extent represented in oblasts by their organization structures; 11 haven't started similar activities yet.

After withdrawal of Viktor Yanukovych and formation of a new majority in the Parliament and a new Government, the political situation is Ukrainian oblasts has considerably changed. In particular, large-scale rotations occur in local government bodies and party organizations; the Party of Regions loses its power. The decision of the UDAR's leader Vitalii Klychko to support Petro Poroshenko during Presidential election, and internal split of the Party of Regions influence local political elites to the certain extent. These circumstances determine the party membership and complement of election headquarters of candidates. For example, election headquarters of Petro Poroshenko are formed of representatives of the UDAR, former members of the Party of Regions and AUU Batkivshchyna, as well as unaffiliated activists. In Zakarpattia oblast, representatives of the United Centre party are included to election headquarters of Poroshenko.

Local headquarters of Yulia Tymoshenko Oleh Tyahnybok, Oleh Liashko, and Petro Symonenko are usually formed of representatives of the corresponding local party organizations. However, the decision to support Mykhailo Dobkin, taken during the national congress of the Party of Regions, caused the split of the party. Candidates Serhii Tihipko and Mykhailo Dobkin are simultaneously planning to attract the current or former members of the Party of Regions to organization of their election campaigns. For example, the election headquarters of Serhii Tihipko i Kirovohrad oblast is headed by the former MP candidate from the Party of Regions in district #99, ex-Chairman of the Department of Social and Political Issues of the Presidential Administration during Yanukovych's presidency, Oleksandr Shatalov. Simultaneously, the Head of election headquarters of Mykhailo Dobkin in this very oblast is the Mayor of Oleksandiriia, member of the Party of Regions, Stepan Tsapiuk.

According to OPORA's data, election campaigning in the majority of regions is very passive.

As of 4/8/2014, observers have reported that only in 13 Ukrainian regions (Vinnytsia, Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kiev, Kirovograd, Poltava, Rivne, Ternopil, Kherson, Kharkiv, Cherkasy, and Chernivtsi oblasts) campaigning materials are sometimes disseminated, appear in the media and on outside advertising boards. In other oblasts, the campaigning is either absent, or the voters had the chance to meet some candidates or their representatives. Election headquarters of Oleh Liashko, Yulia Tymoshenko, and Oleh Tyahnybok are the most active in campaigning. In particular, they disseminate party newspapers with election programs of candidates, place election campaigning in mass media, and on outside advertising boards. According to observers, outside advertising boards are rarely used for campaigning purposes. Taking into consideration to current tendencies of the campaign, we may affirm that large masses of the voters are still not involved in the election campaigning.

Candidate's meeting with voters and visits to different oblasts of Ukraine are very important part of election campaigning. In March – early April, candidates Oleh Lyashko, Yulia Tymoshenko, Mykhailo Dobkin, and Oleh Tyagnibok[1] have visited the largest number of oblasts. Some candidates explained their visits to the certain oblasts as the necessity to understand the circumstances of administrative buildings' seizure by separatists (Yuliia Tymoshenko's visits to Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts). Only 11 of 23 candidates have visited Ukrainian oblasts.

Presidential candidates' visits to different regions of Ukraine: (March – early April 2014)


Number of regions visited by the candidate

Regions visited by the candidate

Oleh Liashko


Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Zakarpattia, Zaporizhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Luhansk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv oblasts

Yuliia Tymoshenko


Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, Donetsk, Luhansk, Khmelnytsk oblast, city of Kyiv

Oleh Tiahnybok


Zhytomyr, Kyiv, and Rivne oblasts

Mykhailo Dobkin


Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk, and Lutsk oblasts

Oleh Tsariov


Mykolayiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odesa oblasts

Anatolii Hrytsenko


Lviv, Mykolaiv, and Cherkasy oblasts

Olha Bohomolets


Kherson oblast, Kyiv city

Nataliia Korolevska


Odesa, Mykolaiv oblasts

Vasyl Kuibida


Lviv, Cherkasy oblasts

Mykola Malomuzh


Kyiv city

Dmytro Yarosh


Donetsk oblast

Conflicts and public incidents, connected to the future election campaign

During March – early April 2014, the election campaign was accompanied by a number of conflicts, connected to nomination of candidates for the President of Ukraine, rotations in local government bodies, and misunderstandings during formation of election headquarters. Activities of separatists in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Mykolaiv oblasts, and less active in other oblasts of south-eastern Ukraine, have destructive impact on the election campaign. Aggressive activities of pro-Russian forces and armed seizures of administrative buildings by separatists complicate the conduction of election campaigning in these regions.

The situation which occurred during nomination of the Party of Regions' members for the President of Ukraine became widely discussed. For today, four representatives of this political party participate in the presidential race Mykhailo Dobkin, Serhii Tihipko, Oleh Tsariov, and Yurii Boiko, all of them are self-nominated. Nevertheless, the Party of Regions decided to support only Mykhailo Dobkin during its congress on 29 March 2014. A number of regional party organizations have disagreed with such decision. Opponents of today's leaders of the Party of Regions openly say that there are more reasons to support Serhii Tihipko. The conflict had even deepened after the recommendation of the party's presidium to political council to withdraw the Chairmen of the Kyiv city organization (Anatolii Holubchenko), as well as Vinnytsia (Ivan Movchan), Zhytomyr (Serhii Ryzhuk), Kyiv (Yurii Boiko), Kirovograd (Serhii Larin), Odesa (Mykola Skoryk), and Chernivtsi (Mykhailo Papiiev) oblast organizations who do not intend to support Dobkin. The political council had supported the recommendation of the presidium. It excluded the proposed members and, in addition, self-nominated candidates Yurii Boiko, Serhii Tihipko, and Oleh Tsariov.

Besides that, Head of Odesa Oblast Council Mykola Tyndiuk and the Head of the Party of Regions in this council have left the former party in power in order to show their protest against the last decisions of the Party of Regions. Representatives of local party organizations, which are still united, have also showed the certain discontent with the congress of the Party of Regions. In particular, the Mayor of Makiivka, leader of local organization of the Party of Regions, Oleksandr Maltsev (Donetsk obl.) said that approaches used during preparation and conduct of the party congress is doubtfully democratic.

In some regions, conflicts during the formation of local election headquarters of candidates for the President of Ukraine were reported. In particular, the conflicts appeared between representatives of local organizations of the United Centre and the UDAR party in Zakarpattia oblast, who intend to support Petro Poroshenko during snap Presidential election. Similar situation has occurred in Kirovohrad oblast, where representatives of the United Centre, the Front for Change NGO, the Spil'na Diia, and activists of the local Euromaidan in addition, didn't manage to agree on the leadership of oblast election headquarters of Poroshenko. In cities of Dnipropetrovsk and Pavlohrad, the confrontation occurs, connected to the formation of Yuliia Tymoshenko's headquarters. In these communities, representatives of different political parties and civic movements have announced about formation of multiple headquarters. Activists youth organization of the Our Ukraine party in city of Dolyna didn't agree with the decision of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast organization of the party regarding the support of Olha Bohomolets, and announced their sympathy to Petro Poroshenko.

In a number of oblasts, resonant processes occur, connected to personnel rotations in local government bodies and redistribution of party influence. In particular, Head of Donetsk Oblast Council Andrii Shyshatskyi had obeyed to local leaders of the Party of Regions, and resigned from his position. After the withdrawal of Victor Yanukovych, Mr. Shyshatskyi, who has the Head of Oblast State Administration before, was appointed as the Head of Oblast Council, but for a short period of time. The politician has announced that he leaves the Party of Regions, to a great dissatisfaction of his colleagues. Political misunderstandings become more acute between the Head of oblast organization of the AUU Batkivshchyna party and the central apparatus of the party, what is connected to the decision on the appointment of regional officials, affiliated to the AUU Svoboda. As we already know, representative of AUU Svoboda Iryna Sekh was appointed as the Head of Oblast State Administration. Besides that, confrontation between the AUU Batkivshchyna and AUU Svoboda had occurred during appointment of the Head of Drohobych Raion State Administration (Lviv oblast). In Rivne oblast, there is a conflict between the leader of regional organization of AUU Batkivshchyna Mykola Kucheruk, and Head of Oblast Council Mykhailo Kyrylov. The latter had announced that the administration of party organization is non-democratic, and left the AUU Batkivshchyna. Four other members of Oblast Council and a member of executive committee of Rivne City Council had followed the example of Mr. Krylov, and also left the party. Simultaneously, 26 members of Enerhodar City Council (Zaporizhia oblast) had disagreed with the policy of new leadership of oblast party organization, and left the Party of Regions.

The formation of election headquarters was accompanied by some information provocations. For example, some unknown persons have invited former members of election commissions form AUU Batkivshchyna to visit the office of AUU Democrats, whose leader is the Head of Petro Poroshenko's headquarters in Dnipropetrovsk oblast Andrii Pavelko, The citizens have received false information that they can get money for their work during previous elections, and were very angry when they didn't. Instead, the MP of Ukraine, Acting Head of Chernihiv oblast organization of AUU Batkivshchyna, Valerii Dubil had to refute the information that he supports Petro Poroshenko. Such information was disseminated by his colleague in the Parliament, former member of the Party of Regions Vladyslav Atroshenko, who is currently attracted to Poroshenko's campaign.

In some oblasts, direct actions of party organizations and NGOs, which have appearance is connected to the Euromaidan, have indirect influence on the course of election campaign (Khmelnytsk, Ternopil, and some other oblasts).

Organization of the voting on occupied territories of the AR Crimea

Organization of the Presidential election on temporarily occupied territory of the AR Crimea is impossible. Taking into consideration the political influence of the Russian Federation on the peninsula, illegal presence of foreign military forces, illegitimate actions of the self-proclaimed local government, absence of the freedom of speech and free media, numerous incidents of physical violence against opponents, the due election process is possible only in case Russian troops leave this territory. Besides that, there is little chance that any voting process organized on Crimean territory will be trusted in continental Ukraine, as long as mass media representatives and observers won't have any chance to freely watch the election commissions, the local court system won't be able to consider electoral arguments according to the corresponding legislation of Ukraine, and if there's any chance to conduct election campaign, it will be available only for pro-Russian candidates.

Thus, Ukrainian citizens will be able to realize active electoral right (to vote) only if the procedure for temporary change of voting location is liberalized and simplified, and special election commissions in Kherson oblasts are formed. Ukraine is obliged to secure due voting conditions for citizens of the peninsula, to attract them to political life of the country and to the election process.

If the attempts to organize the voting on the territory of the AR Crimea take place, they will bring the following problems: 1) transportation of voter lists, ballot papers, and other electoral documentation under proper security arrangements and with all safety measures is impossible; 2) the creation of DECs in accordance with the procedure of the Law of Ukraine on Election of the President of Ukraine is impossible; 3) the organization of due observation during the voting process and vote count may be disrupted.

Electronic voting would require additional expenses, time for development, introduction, and licensing, as well as durable information campaign.

Voting by mail is also impossible, because Russian special state security forces and self-proclaimed government in Crimea fully control communication channels, and the Ukrposhta has stopped cooperation with the peninsula.

Within such conditions, the only way out of the situation is organization of voting on the continental Ukraine, what requires amendments to the Law of Ukraine on Election of the President of Ukraine, or adoption of a special Law on Organization of the Voting Process for Citizens Living on Temporarily Occupied Territories of the AR Crimea. We need to secure creation of special polling stations in Kherson oblast (for example, in Stavky, Chervonyi Chaban, Bebenkivka Persha, Havrylivka Druha, Druzheliubivka, Novomykolaivka, Chonhar, Ataman, Popivka, Novyi Trud  etc.) in accordance with the procedure, which corresponds to current challenges.

We should diversify and localize all the hazards for citizens who live in these cities. The voting should be organized separately for local voters and those living in continental Ukraine. Such precaution will decrease the number of provocations. However, such limitation should not include the voters, who have temporarily changed their voting location. We should take into consideration the possibility of forming election commissions with the National Guard of Ukraine or internal-security troops involved. The Law should provide creation of special ballot papers for these purposes with additional protection levels, with the use of different colors and special marking. Vote count at these polling stations may be conducted similarly to the regular ones, or in DECs, watched by journalists and observers. It would be reasonable to organize video surveillance inside and outside of polling stations, with mandatory live broadcasting of all stages of the election process. Undoubtedly, intensified safety measures should be secured during the voting process organized for citizens of the AR Crimea. With this in mind, we deem it necessary to legislatively provide the possibility of using internal security forces to guard polling stations. Besides that, military equipment should be used during organization of the voting process, transportation of electoral documentation etc.

Activities of mass media

Despite the official election campaign is in full swing, mass media doesn't focus all the attention on its coverage, as long as parties and candidates are not active in campaigning and organization. Attention of the media has limited to the nomination and registration of candidates during this period. In general, Presidential election was covered by the central and local mass media in the context of Russian Federation's aggression in the AR Crimea, separatists on the East and related hazard of disrupted electoral process.

The political campaigning in regional media is unprecedentedly low on this stage of election campaign. On one side, the voters are free from excessive hidden advertising (dzhynsa), on the other side – the citizens didn’t receive enough information about candidates and their election programs etc.

Mass media are in the most critical situation in the AR Crimea, where Ukrainian journalists are under constant physical and mental pressure. Activities of Ukrainian mass media are blocked by Russian occupation forces, and the information space is filled with Russian propaganda.

Activities of civic organizations and initiatives

The civic society pays small attention to the course of snap Presidential election. Simultaneously, the election campaign is accompanied by an unprecedented mobilization of civic organizations and initiatives at the regional level. In fact, different civic associations have appeared in all Ukrainian oblasts – Euromaidans, self-defense groups, lustration committees etc. Their activities are aimed at organization of the civic control system over appointment of officials and political decisions of state government bodies and local self-government. Besides that, civic activists pay indirect attention to activities of candidates for the President and the corresponding political parties. However, such organizations don't conduct civic observation over the elections. As for electoral civic activeness in south-eastern oblasts of Ukraine, there are pro-Russian civic initiatives, which activities are aimed at destabilization of the election process.

In some regions, civic organizations conduct awareness-rising and mobilization campaigns in order to inform people and attract them to the election process. For example, in Chernihiv oblast, the Apelsyn Center for Progressive Youth is organizing volunteer observers for Presidential election, and the Initiative Education Center has launched awareness-rising campaign for the voters. Luhansk oblast organization of the Public Service for Legal Assistance has announced the awareness-rising campaign "I choose myself", during which information materials about voter rights and mechanisms of their protection will be disseminated, and legal aid will be provided in 10 miner's towns in Luhansk oblast. In Kryvyi Rih, the Civic Movement NGO ("Hromadskyi Rukh") was created in February 2014. Members of the organization participate in the local Maidan and disseminate information leaflets. There are no civic initiatives involved in electoral matters in Crimea.

The Committee of Voters of Ukraine has intensified its activities. It has initiated a campaign, aimed to collect information about members of election commissions, related to violations during previous election campaigns, in order to use these lists during the future lustration. Such activities are conducted in Cherkasy, Lviv, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts.

A number of civic organizations, which have registered in the CEC as official observers (Bukovyna Center NGO ("Bukovynskyi Tsentr"), For the Rule of People NGO (Za narodovladdia"), For the New Society NGO ("Za nove suspilstvo"), Concept Group NGO, and UDAR NGO) are not active, and most of them remain non-public.

Civil Network OPORA attracts observers in every Ukrainian oblast to the conduction of long- and short-term observation during snap Presidential election, interim Parliamentary elections (district #83), and special local elections. In 2014, the course of election campaign from official start to the announcement of winners will be analyzed by 190 long-term observers. Two thousand of short-term observers will join them on the election day (in every round). Besides that, OPORA will deploy 500 observers to Kyiv on May 25.

The use of dirty campaigning, manifestation of intolerance

Despite the candidates are quite passive, the dirty campaigning occurs, with calls to violence, extremism, or election boycott.

Thus, in Chernihiv (election district #208) leaflets without an imprint were noticed on special information boards for campaigning materials, calling to "Revenge the jew and moskal for killing Sashko Bilyi" on behalf of the Right Sector. However, the local organization of the Right Sector has refuted their involvement in this on its official page in a social network. In Rivne, a representative of the Right Sector Roman Koval has stated on the Sunday's Viche (public meeting) that only Ukrainians by blood.

During the Viche in the city of Bila Tserkva, organized by the local party organization of AUU Svoboda, representatives of the Radical Party of Oleh Liashko have organized a performance with the "coffin of the Party of Regions". Some billboards have appeared in Rivne near the train station, with the features of violence popularization. They are, seemingly, belong to campaigning of the Presidential candidate Oleh Liashko, who is the leader of the Radical Party. The billboards depict a slogan "Death to occupants!", with "Oleh Liashko" undersigned. Local organization of the Radical Party neither confirmed nor refuted the belonging of these billboards to Oleh Liashko's campaign.

In Chernivtsi, leaflets (without an imprint) were disseminated, with pictures of the Prime Minister of Ukraine A. Yatseniuk and the Acting President of Ukraine O. Turchynov, with the text: "How to blow the country in a month. Tutorial for beginners."

The situation in south-eastern oblasts of Ukraine is quite hazardous, where pro-Russian organizations publicly call to disrupt the elections and break the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Thus, pro-Russian forces became quite active in Melitopol and Zaporizhia. Mass rallies with Russian symbols are conducted every Sunday. The leader of unregistered movement "South-Eastern Front", Editor-in-Chief of the Iskra newspaper, Artem Tymchenko, calls to boycott Presidential election, and organizes force structures, i.e. "Antifa" in Melitopol. In Donetsk, separatists and representatives of pro-Russian organizations call the citizens in the internet not to recognize the special elections, and counteract the voting process. In Mykolaiv, the Russian Bloc party, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU), and the CPU call to fight against fascists and "banderivtsi" during meeting of so-called "Anti-Maidan", to storm administrative buildings, and not to recognize new government and the elections. We can also hear extremistic calls from Oleh Tsariov and the CPU in Dnipropetrovsk oblast.

Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action. From a strategic perspective, the observation is focuses on improvement of the election system and certain procedures. Thus, the organization actively participates in the preparation and discussion of amendments to the election legislation.

[1] Visits to the regions, made during March - early April, are taken into consideration, both in the status of potential candidates and after the official registration.