"Yuliia Tymoshenko must show the responsibility to Ukrainian people and give Petro Poroshenko the chance to win in the first round..." - Head of the central Poroshenko's electoral headquarters Vitalii Kovalchuk stated during the presentationin Interfax-Ukraine. 

Chairman of the International department of the Central electoral headquarters Valerii Chalyi has emphasized that Presidential election in Ukraine in #1 issue for the country's safety. "If these elections are held in one round, and we have such hope and opportunity, they will be a full stop in all the attempts to cast doubt upon the legitimacy of Ukrainian government. Such outcome would guarantee Ukraine's safety and transition to specific reforms," he stressed.

poroshenko shtab

Vitalii Kovalchuk has also mentioned that regional headquarters start their activities, and campaigning is about to start. Petro Poroshenko intends to visit all parts of Ukraine.

poroshenko kovalchuk zvarych

To the question whether Petro Poroshenko is going to sell his business if he wins (particularly the 5th Channel), Vitalii Kovalchuk gave the positive answer.

For comment, please contact: 
Taras Chmut
Election Programs Coordinator
Civil Network OPORA in Kyiv


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action.

Since March, OPORA conducts a wide observation campaign during snap Presidential election, interim Parliamentary elections (district #83), and special local elections. The organization cooperates with 175 long-term observers, who are watching the course of election campaign in all Ukrainian regions. On the election day on May 25, 3,000 activists will join them to conduct the parallel vote tabulation, based on statistical sample.